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TRIGGER WARNING : attempted sexual assault
I'll also put a warning before it happens ⚠️


By the time she blinks her eyes open, Wren know's she's in serious trouble. A familiar pain laces her wrists and ankles, her head practically pounding as her vision comes into focus. She yanks on her arms, to find them locked behind her between her back and a chair. Her legs are the same story, stuck to the chair leaving her completely immobile. It's all too familiar.

"Look who's awake," A man's voice startles her as she looks to her right, taking in her surroundings with quick flicks of her eyes. She seems to be in an old store, with clothing wracks broken and on the ground a mostly destroyed desk in the middle. "Any longer and I would have had to wake you up." The man catches her attention again, and she shivers at the predatory look in his gaze.

"You're a Wolf." She states matter of factly, grimacing as his eyes seem to trail over her body. He moves towards her, absently flicking a knife in his hand. Wren's pulse jumps, her heart beginning to race in her chest as her palms sweat. She tries to slowly move her hands, looking for a way out of her confines.

"And you aren't a Scar." He tilts his head, stopping in front of her chair while Wren tilts her head to look up at him. Her eyebrows furrow at the word, and she absently remembers them saying that at the Radio Tower- she just thought it was something else.

"What the fuck is a Scar?" She asks, if only to keep him distracted. She has no idea if Ellie is coming for her, she probably decided to leave her- or maybe she got taken too. Wren's gonna have to be her own hero.

"I think I'll ask the question, babe." Suddenly he drops to crouch in front of her, the movement making Wren jump in surprise. "Who are you?" The knife is there at her neck, digging in dangerously close to cutting her. She gulps, feeling the blade presses closer as she does.

"I'm not telling you shit." She replies, refusing to give Jackson away for the second time. The zip ties on her wrists cut into her skin, making her bite her tongue to keep from making a noise of pain.

"That's fine, its more fun to just draw it out," he grins, moving the knife away from her neck. Wren relaxes a moment, letting out a relieved sigh that immediatly turns into a scream of pain as the knife finds a home in her shoulder.

"Fuck you!' She screams on impulse, gasping through the pain in her shoulder that throbs like nothing she's ever felt. The man laughs, gently flicking the knife and making Wren gasp in pain again.

"Yo!" Another man enters through a set of doors on the wall, apparently friends with the Wolf. "We gotta go, man."

"Dude, I was just getting into it!" The man infront of Wren stands, turning to look at his friend. "We need to get information out of here."

"Jaime says Isaac radioed and said to kill her, we've got bigger issues." New guy crosses to the desk in the middle of the room, leaning against it. "They're picking us up in ten." He nods, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's enough time for me." The man says, tone of voice making Wren's eyes widen. "I'll kill her before they get here, but I haven't had fun in months."

"You're disgusting." The guy spits, grinning slightly. "But just don't be loud we don't want to draw every clicker and runner in the area." He cautions, and Wren suddenly feels like throwing up.


"That's good enough for me." The man turns back to Wren, predatory grin making her struggle more in her restraints. "Now, if you scream I'm going to have to slit your throat, okay?"

He approaches her again, reaching for her shirt while Wren glares at him. "If you touch me I'm going to stab you in your dick." She hisses, trying to inch away from his hand.

"Right, sure." He rolls his eyes, grabbing the neckline of her button down. "Now let's see what you're hiding under here." Wren's eyes search the room for any way out of this, when suddenly something catches her eye. A figure she can see through the class skylight someone who looks like- Ellie!

The guy rips open her shirt with a growl of frustration, buttons going flying as it opens halfway down. "What the fuck?!" He screams, staring at the space above her  bra. Wren looks down with a frown, at the bite marks that litter her chest and stomach. There are 12 of them, she counted once.

"Yeah, not so hot, huh?" She grins at him, and before he can respond a single gunshot rings out. Blood splatters across Wren's face making her gasp slightly as the creep stands completely still before slumping backwards on the ground. Wren watches as his friend lets out a shout and immediatly shoots at Ellie above him. The glass breaks and she falls through, hitting the ground with a thump that makes Wren sick. She and the other guy start to struggle, and Wren screams in frustration as her bonds don't give.

Suddenly, Ellie is on the floor under the guy, and all Wren can see is red. She places her feet on the floor as well as she can, standing on her tip toes. She takes a deep breath and then does a little jump, throwing herself backwards. She hits the floor with a clash, the chair breaking under her weight as she groans. Freeing her legs, she picks herself up out of the rubble.

Ellie suddenly shouts, punching the guy in the face and reaching for her gun. Wren bends foreward until she can't go any farther, stomach and shoulder protesting the move. She raises her arms behind her, feeling like she's about to break them, and then brings them back down so quickly she grunts when they hit her back. The ziptie snaps on impact, and Wren doesn't hesitate to reach for the knife.

Hand on the hilt, she takes to quick gasping breaths before she rips it out with a scream. Ignoring the pain however well she can, she sprints towards where Ellie is pinned under the guy. He sees her a second too late as Wren's hand curls in his hair, lifting his head up as far as it can go before she slides the blade across his neck like it's butter.

Warm blood rushes over her hand immediately, dripping from his neck to land on Ellie's chest. Wren uses her foot to kick the guy off to the side, watching his body thump against the ground with sick fascination before turning towards Ellie. "You okay?" She pants, shoulder wound burning and throbbing in pain. Ellie doesn't respond, eyes wide on her exposed chest. "My eyes are up here." Wren rolls her eyes.

"You- you're-" Ellie stutters, and the other girl realizes what she's looking at. She throws her hands across her chest, looking wide eyed down at Ellie who scrambles to stand. She knocks the other girls hands away, staring intently at the bites, raising her hand to touch them. She pulls away at the last moment.

"I'm immune, I swear!" Wren shouts, wondering if Ellie will shoot her now, or later. "These are years old, I'm not lying."

Suddenly, the sound of a car pulling up and men shoutting break them from their moment. "We'll deal with this later, we need to get the hell out of here."


Alright so the action may feel a bit rushed I'm sorryrrrry. anyways ellie knows Wren is immune, will she tell her own secret?

I'll try to post again today or tomorrow :)

(Unedited, duh)

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