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Wren's listened to the sound of metal hitting flesh for a while before someone bursts into the room with a flurry of movement. Someone grunts, a girl yells with anger, and a body hits the floor all in the span of a few seconds. She can only listen, laying numb against the cushions of the couch. If only I could do something.

Jordan walks away from her, and the sound of Abby beating that man stops. "Don't do this." A girl begs, her voice weak and strained. She's being held down, and there are tears in her voice.
Please." She begs, but no one responds as silence fills the room for a long second. "Joel, get up. Get the fuck up." She must be talking to the dead man now.

There's a dark pain in her voice, fear that Wren can feel right down to her bones. "If you do this," She says, anger evident. "I will kill you." She promises, her voice shaking but true. Wren listens, holding her breath as she waits for Abby's inevitable reply.

"Shut her up." She says in a cold voice, nearly a whisper. A second later, there's the sound of something hard hitting someone's skull and the girl doesn't beg again. I'm sure someone will shoot me next, kill me because they don't need me anymore now that they got what they came for.

"Abby just kill him, we need to leave now." Owen calls, somewhere in the room. There's disapproval in his voice, and Wren realizes she's become an expert at reading the way people talk. She also realizes that the dried tears on her face are beginning to itch like crazy.

"NO, he hasn't suffered enough, Isaiah will want to talk to him." Abby states, her voice leaving no room for questions. Hope fills Wren knowing that the man isn't dead yet, that maybe he can still make it. This is all my fault, I told them where Jackson was. I did this.

"Let's go then, before more of those fuckers get here." Jordan calls, his voice a snarl. "What are we going to do with that girl?" He must be talking about the one who barged it, or maybe she's dead and his words are about Wren.

"We kill-"gunfire sound outside, followed by an explosion that makes the room go silence. "There's more- we need to leave." Abby curses, and drops whatever she was holding- something metal. "Gather your shit, we leave in 5."


Wren's ass protests the bouncing of the horse as it sprints, but the pain is distant with how numb she is.
Unable to stop thinking about Joel, about the sound of his body being beat and how She knows he's hanging off a horse. Unconscious. The cold bites into Wren's tshirt covered arms, left without a jacket since they forgot it at the house. She can hear infected snarling distantly behind us. "Why the fuck do I have to ride with her?" Owen shouts from behind her, his shouting almost killing her hearing. Biting down on her gag, Wren wishes she could talk.

"Ask Jordan- he grabbed her!" Abby screams out in reply, sounding like she doesn't even care. Wren holds her arms tighter around herself, wondering if this is when they'll finally kill her. "Fuck, if you don't want to deal with her, we can stop and cut her lose. At least then she'll have a chance of survival."

"What? So she can run to Jackson and tell everyone that this asshole is alive?" Owen snarks behind the girl in question, who's muscles tense as she realizes something is about to happen. "Fuck that." Before Wren can fully comprehend his words, She feels a hand shove her violently to the side. immediately flailing as She falls, her body tensing before hitting the snow- and she doesn't stop.

Tumbling down something steep, wren's entire body on fire from pain as She screams behind the gag. She barely realizes when it finally stop, on her back, too focused on the hurt currently coursing through her body. Closing her eyes, wondering if she broke any bones in the fall, she resigns to just lay where she is.

Wren blacks out- probably- come back to, with the wind howling in her ears and body numb from the cold. Get up wren. Get the fuck up. She groans as she turn on the side, using her bound wrists to slowly push herself up to a sitting position. Halfway through She freezes, ears focusing on the low growling a few feet away, followed by a few clicks. Holding her breath, and wondering if it's heard her, she quickly starts to climb to her feet- not wanting to wait until it does.

An unexpected pain fills her left thigh as Wren puts weight on it, and she lets out a scream. It's muffled by the gag, but when the clicker lets out a shriek, she immediately knows that it's heard her. Reaching up, tearing the gag out of her mouth so I can breathe better, only to fall back to the snow when a body slams into hers.

In a panic, Wren pushes her bound hands against its chest, arms trembling from exertion, realizing that she has no way to kill the clicker and can't hold it back forever. Nails tear into the skin of her chest, one peeling up skin on her cheek. She screams for help, knowing it's never going to come, but desperate to try. This is how you die, dumbass. Kind of makes sense in a terribly ironic sort of way. Her subconscious taunts Wren with the knowledge and she kind of wants to laugh. The clicker beats on her, trying to get closer and take a bite- Wren knows its only a matter of time before her arms fail.

Suddenly her body jerks with shock when a gun goes off, the infected previously trying to tear her apart going limp suddenly. She pushes it off with some difficulty as feet approach her, and she reaches up to tear off her blindfold. eyes barely adjusting to the light before a figure comes into view, blurry, and she's only able to make out the sight of a girl with wild red hair holding a gun before Blissfully fading from consciousness.

Edited: O5/2/22

Couldn't pick between these two covers ngl;;

Couldn't pick between these two covers ngl;;

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