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So I'm skipping a lot of the game because a.) It's my story and b.) That hame is like 16 hrs long.



"So, since you know where these people are, where do we go?" Ellie asks from in front of Wren, looking over her shoulder slightly as the two continue into the city. Wren sighs, looking around like she has any idea where she is. In truth, she's just glad the girl isn't snapping her words anymore. She won't pretend like the last few weeks were torture, walking on egg shells so as not to irritate her. Still, despite it all, Wren can see the girl Ellie is underneath all that irritation.

"I know I was kept in the hospital, but they have bases set up all over. The radio tower I think? And there's a museum somewhere." Wren shrugs her shoulders, bringing her thumb nail to her mouth. She jumps slightly as Ellie jumps the horse over a small hole in the road.

"Right that narrows it down." Ellie chuckles, horse trotting past empty buildings and stores. Wren reaches into the back pocket of her jeans, retrieving their map and opening it slowly as not to drop it or fall of the horse accidentally.

"The station seems to be the closest to us, and there might be WlF soldiers we can ask where they're taking Joel." Wren suggests, mostly mumbling to herself loud enough that Ellie can hear.

"Okay, which way is that?" She asks, slowing the horse almost completely to a stop. "I see a sign for a courthouse this way." Wren looks up to see Ellie pointing at graffiti on the wall, which ironically says "courthouse" in big letters with an arrow.

"Yeah, that seems about right." Wren nods, tracing her finger from the courthouse building to the radio station. "It's not to far past that, we just have to find a way." Wren nods her head. Ellie takes off again, Wren nearly flipping off the horse until she grabs the back of the girls shirt.

"Seattle isn't very sunny, huh." Ellie says, looking up at the cloudy sky which seems nearly ready to weep. Wren chuckles slights, refolding the map and putting it away. "Hang on to me, I want to move a little faster." She instructs, and Wren immediatly wraps her arms around the girls waist. Falling off a horse is not very high on her bucket list.

"Have you ever left Jackson?" Wren asks, trying to ignore the pleasant feeling that comes with practically hugging someone again.

"Yeah," Ellie laughs, leading the horse out into what looks like a field now but was probably a mess of roads. "I come from Boston, me and Joel traveled all the way to Utah." She replies, shocking the hell out of Wren.

"Really?" She asks, voice suprised. "For what? I mean, you would have passed Jackson." Ellie doesn't respond, her silence telling Wren all she needs to know apparently. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry or anything."

"It's fine." Ellie sighs, horse leaping over another deep crevice in the ground. "I just- we were looking for the fireflies." She says almost in a whisper.

"Really?" Wren replies, eyebrows raised as she bites her lip. "I heard that Utah was basically a firefly grave. Someone took down almost the whole operation." Ellie doesn't reply, and the two of them fall into an uncomfortable silence.

"I've never met someone whose parents are still alive, outside of Jackson I mean." Ellie changes the subject, and Wren is just glad the girl isn't upset. They're finally talking for once, and it's almost nice.

"Yeah," Wren nods, blinking away the exhaustion weighing down her eyelids. "She went through hell to keep me safe, and I wasn't the brightest kid." She laughs, feeling a need to lean her head against Ellie's back. She doesn't, because the other girl would probably shove her off the horse.

"Really? Joel was the same, I mean I'm not his daughter but he's always worrying about me." Ellie shrugs her shoulders. "I've been able to take care of myself for a while, but I think he's always gonna be a mother hen."

"Parents are like that." Wren responds softly, chuckling. Ellie doesn't reply, both of them falling silent again. It isn't a terrible silence, comfortable with the dreariness of Seattle weighing on them.

Finally, the courthouse comes into view, and Ellie slows the horse. "I don't think we have to stop here, do we?" They both inspect the building with narrowed eyes, and eventually Wren shakes her head.

"Unless we need gas for some reason, no." She replies, looking around for signs of any other people. It's unerving how quiet the city is, like any moment they'll run into something terrible.

"Fair enough, we're going to have to find somewhere to rest soon." Ellie responds, leading the horse past the Courthouse and towards the broken highway bridge when Wren points.

"Probably, do you want to go to the station first?" She asks, watching Wren slowly lead the horse down the incline beside the bridge since they can't cross it.

"Yeah, we've got hours of daylight left." Ellie affirms, and Wren slides the map from her back pocket again to look at it. "We just have to cross under the bridge to the other side?"

"Yep," Wren says, looking at the map. "And there's a movie theatre on the way, we can probably circle back and stay there."

"Probably, any houses are gonna be too overgrown and detroyed if I have to guess." Ellie shrugs her shoulders, leading the horse up the incline past the other side of the bridge. Both girls lean foreward, letting out a sigh when they get to flat land.

Wren bites her lip as they continue, debating with herself. "Ellie," she sighs. "About Joel and what happened at that lodge."

"Don't, Wren." Ellie immediatly barks, harsh enough that the other girl flinches. "It doesn't matter okay? It already happened, I just want to get him back." Ellie's tone of voice is rough, but Wren can tell she isn't saying what she truly thinks.

Wren shakes her head, knowing that the girl isn't likely to talk about what happened. What is she expecting? Forgiveness for leading the WLFs to Joel? She isnt likely to get it.

She sighs, clenching her fists. "Okay."


This is short but I promise it's because the next two chapters are gonna be action and drama filled. So we are gonna go to the station and hospital, but it's gonna be a little different.


(Unedited as always)

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