authors note

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First of all, I want to thank all the fantastic readers who have supported my first fanfic since the beginning! I've been working on this book since august 2020 and it feels amazing to finally say it's *technically* complete. I have a lot of editing and revision to do in the future, however I do feel like i've wrapped the book up for you guys finally.

For those of you who have been here a while, you know I had originally planned + started a sequel to this book. However, I feel as though the adventures of Ellie and Wren reached their ending with this book; thus why I deleted the second one. I wish I could continue the Wrellie train, but I don't feel right doing that.

In the future, I may update this book with random chapters if I am so inclined. However, for now, Ellie and Wren have been retired. Their story is complete.

If you'd like to support my ACTUALLY published works you can find me on insta:

Insta: @max_iswriting

Thank you to everyone who's continued to support me through this crazy journey! I love each and every one of ya'll to death!

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