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"No way, you are not going out there alone. I can help! You need someone watching your back with all of those wlf soldiers." Wren crosses her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow as she glares at Ellie.

"We also need to make sure no one gets into this place, we can't just leave it unattended." Ellie argues, glaring at Wren all the same. The brunette girl bites her lip, letting out a sigh as she rolls her eyes.

"Why does it have to be me, I'll probably die of boredom." Wren whined, uncrossing her arms while Ellie just shakes her head with a slight smile.

"You'll be fine, try and hook up that generator while I'm out, I'll try and bring back gas." Wren felt worry bubble up inside her, begging the world that Ellie actually comes back. Not for any specific reason except that without her, Wren would never find her mom.

"Yeah, try not to get into trouble please," Wren turns away before she says something embarassing, pretending to be busy removing the objects blocking the door.

"I'm just going to look for some sign of where the hospital is, it can't be far." Ellie mumbles, helping Wren until the door is unblocked and pushed open. Ellie pulls on her short sleeved button up, leaving it open, before she steps outside of the theatre.

"Be Sade please, I have a feeling Maria would kill me if you died." Wren tries to joke, but it falls flat. Ellie looks at her eyes, and then momentarily away with an expression Wren can't read.




"Fuck," Ellie curses, rubbing at her bruised cheek as she crouched behind a sideways bookshelf. Behind her, the way she needs to go, is a giant hole in the wall with who knows what beyond it. She's down to ten bullets in her pistol, and three in her rifle. Thus far, the WLF soldiers have been unbearable.

"Now or never, Ellie." She whispers to herself, standing up with a grunt as her right hip protests, walking towards the hole and peering through it. Before she can even hear them approach, one hand wraps around her face to cover her mouth and the other grabs her waist. She's pulled to the side against someone's body, and immediately moves to defend herself.

"Take a breath, it's me els." Jesse's voice is instantly recognizable by the red headed girl, and she turns as soon as his hands drop.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She whispers, eyes narrowed into slits as the man looks at her with an eye roll.

"You didn't really think we'd let you do this alone?" Another voice has her whipping around, eyes falling on a familiar brunette girl that she's more than happy to see. Unconsciously Ellie smiles, looking between the two.

"How did you even get out of Jackson?" Ellie asks, wincing when she realizes how much her voice had raised.

"We have time for that later, right now you're about to walk into ten WLF soldiers, and we hear they're looking for you." Jesse crosses his arms over his head, eyebrows raised. "What the fuck happened to getting in and out of Seattle?"

"So I made a few enemies, right now we just need to get the hell out of here." Ellie mumbles, feeling like a scolded child. Jesse rolls his eyes as Dina walks over to join them, standing near the hole in the wall but out of sight of the soldiers.

"So what's the plan?" Dina asks, leaning slightly to peer out. Ellie bites her lip with a small shrug, wondering if she could take them all with her friends.

Serenity - Ellie Williams [1]Where stories live. Discover now