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"Please! Please don't do this!" Joel's there, on the ground, bloody and broken and Ellie can't do anything but watch as Abby stands over his body. "I'll kill you for this! I will!" Then, she brings the golf club down over his head- over and over and over until all thats left is blood and whatever else. "NO! NO!"

"Ellie! It's okay!" A voice tries to break through the terror and it's gentle but Joels still lying there still dead!

"Ellie!" she gasps away, sitting up abruptly with her heart pounding in her chest as she pants. There's someone beside her, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Breathe, Ellie." She whispers, rubbing soothing circles across the skin of the other girls back while she slows her breathing. Ellie suddenly comes back to herself as she looks over at wren, glaring slightly before shrugging off her hand. The other girl doesn't look upset for more than a second, standing up stiffly without a word before walking to the door.

"Try to get some more sleep." She whispers, leaving while Ellie returns to her prone position on the makeshift bed, still exhausted despite her sleep as she lets her eyes slide shut again, refusing to think about Wren comforting her during a nightmare.

Soon, she slips back into a restless sleep.


Ellie sits up with a gasp, panting heavily as she looks wildly around the room. It takes a moment for her surroundings to make sense, and when they do she begins to slowly relax. Rubbing a hand across her sweaty face she lets out a sigh, pushing wayward hair from her eyes.

"Fuck," she mutters, pushing herself off of the makeshift bed, eyes moving across the room where Wren's bed lays empty. A small pit of panic settles in her stomach, but she shakes it off, if anything happened to her friends- Ellie would have heard it. Still, she moves towards the door with the intention of making sure they are okay.

Stumbling down the dark corridor behind the curtain of the stage, Ellie rubs absently at a bruise on her side. God, without Jesse and Dina there she wouldn't have made it back. How the hell are the WLFs such a big group? She remembers seeing the firefly tattoos in a few of them, perhaps the WLFS are made up of old firefly members.

Thinking about that makes Ellie's chest hurt and her thoughts turn to Joel. She shoves them away with a sigh, walking down the steps of the stage and past the rows of seats. As she approaches the double doors leading to the front room, she hears laughter and voices.

Ellie pushes open the doors, walking through them to see Dina and Jesse relaxed on the short couch, with Wren on the floor across from them. She has her legs drawn up against her chest, arms wrapped around her knees.

"And when my mom found me covered in paint I swear my life flashed before my eyes." The brunette jokes, one hand yanking on the sleeve of her shirt. She's covered nearly head to toe, and for some reason the sigh makes Ellie feel a pang of sadness. When she was younger she spent so long hiding her bite, she can't imagine how hard it must be for Wren. Even thinking about the bites littered across the girls skin makes Ellie shiver.

"Oh my god, that reminds me of my dad." Jesse jokes, laughing with Dina. Watching the three of them be so close without her makes Ellie feel slightly jealous if she's honest. "Oh hey sleepy head," Jesse looks over at her with a smile.

"We've got breakfast, nothing gourmet but we had to make something- I was starving." Dina pours, pointing to the pot on the hot plate sitting on the ground. "Thank god Wren set up the generator, I couldn't take another cold can of beans."

Serenity - Ellie Williams [1]Where stories live. Discover now