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Wren watches, her expression full of shock as the Serephites begin to march through the hole in the wall, attacking all of the soldiers in sight. Chaos breaks out in response, WLF soldiers pulling their weapons as a war breaks out around the room. Wren looks over sharply to her mom, who seems to be shaking off the explosion.

She watches as the older woman lifts one leg, pivoting on her lifted leg to spin around. Her still bent leg swipes the soldier's legs, and he tumbles to the ground immediatly. Wren's eyes widen as the soldier behind her lets out a shout of alarm. On pure instinct Wren throws herself back violently, her body crashing into the man's and throwing them both to the floor.

Wren tries to wiggle free of the rope bounding her wrists as the rolls away from the soldier, flipping over and kicking the soldier as hard as she can in the head. She hears her mothers yelp, and turns sharply to see her mother free of her bonds and fighting the soldier.

In her distraction, Wren's own attacker scrambles to stand, gun pointed at her head. She juts her chin out, prepared to die, but gasps as blood splatters across her face as the soldier is shot. His body falls beside her with a thump, exposing a familiar face. "Tommy?" Wren asks, wondering if she hit her head.

"Wren!" Someone screams, and hands grasp at her shoulder to pull her up. Wren's face is morphed into shock as she takes in the sight of a familiar head of red hair and green eyes. Ellie pulls her to stand on both feet, a bright grin on her face. "Are you okay?" She asks, cupping Wren's cheeks with both hands.

"I thought you were dead." Wren says, the entire world blurring as she stares at Ellie, tears threatening to spill. Despite the screaming and guns firing around them both, Wren can't pull away.

"Really? You know I'm too stuborn for that." Ellie smirks. The brunettes eyes flicker between Ellie's lips and eyes.

"I could kiss you right now." She breathes, a gently laugh falling from her lips. Ellie raises an eyebrow, smirk firmly in place as she drops her hands from Wren's face, reaching around her back and shuffling closer.

"Rain check, we should probably start running." Ellie says, her face barely inches away from Wren's. The other girls hands gently brush against the brunettes, still bound behind her back. A few second later the ropes fall away, hitting the floor.

"I'm going to hold you to that." Wren smiles, pulling away from Ellie and turning towards her mom who's watching Wren with raised eyebrows. "Uh, mom this is Ellie. Ellie, this is mo- Rachel." She corrects, and Tommy appears behind her mother.

"We've gotta go, reunion later!" He shouts over the commotion, turning to raise his sniper and fire at a Serephite heading their way.

"A little help?" Someone asks behind Ellie, and they all look to see Joel still sitting on the floor, looking up at them with a smug grin. Ellie lets out a curse as she reaches down, helping lift Joel up.

"We're going to have to fight our way out," Rachel says, walking to stand beside her daughter. Ellie stands with Joel, his arm thrown over her shoulder. Ellie reaches around herself with her free hand. She pulls it back to produce a handgun, before holding it out to Wren.

"Rachel can you carry Joel? I need Wren to watch our back." Ellie asks, her business like demeanor making Wren smile a bit. Wren turns to watch her mom try to argue, but one look from her daughter has her nodding silently. Satisfied, the brunette reaches out to retrieve the handgun, checking the magazine immediatly before holding it down in front of her.

Rachel moves foreward to take Joel's arm from Ellie, introducing herself to the incapacitated male. "C'mon." Tommy commands, walking towards the side of the stage where the stairs are located. Ellie follows him closely, and Wren waits until Joel and her mother join them to walk foreward.

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