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"I can't believe we're out here looking for those girls." A males voice floats across the "river" towards them, where Ellie and Wren wade through the water towards the back of the hospital. They look over at the boat passing them by, listening to the conversation.

"And Abby is missing, this is all her fault anyways." A woman responds. "If she hadn't brought that traitor back Jill wouldn't be dead." Ellie faces Wren, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah at least we aren't on guard at the apartments like Jacob." Wren looks back, shrugging her shoulders, and the two of them continue foreward. Ellie's hip is hurting after her run in with the big guy in the stores, and she's once again grateful that Wren is there.

The two come upon a turned over log, both ducking under the water to pass beneath it. Coming up the other side they see the back of the hospital, with no way in. "I think is saw a passage under water, but I don't know how long it'll take to get there." Wren replies, glancing at Ellie with her hair all over her face.

"Take a deep breath then." She grins, gasping before ducking back under water to follow the passage. She feels the water move behind her to signal that Wren follows, and they both head towards a noticeable passage underwater.

As they make their way through Ellie feels her lungs begin to burn with the pain of staying submerged so long, but eventually coming upon a light shining through a hole. She motions over her shoulder for Wren, pointing at the hole. The other girl nods, face slightly strained, and Ellie hurries to swim towards the light.

When she finally emerges, it takes strength not to gasp and pant, instead she takes silent breathes as she looks around. The area seems to be like a cargo hold, mostly submerged in water besides a platform just in front of them. Ellie can see a girl sitting with her back to the water, not seeming to hear them are all.

Ellie motions for Wren to hang back as she approaches the platform, staying as silent as possible until she reaches it. She sets both palms against the surface, lifting herself out of the water with a small grunt. Retrieving her knife, she sets the blade against her neck, yanking the earbuds away from her head. "Don't fucking move," she hisses. "Hands up." The girl raises her hands instantly, a device in one.

"Easy, easy," the girl whispers, fear in her voice.

"You know a girl named Nora?" Ellie asks without any remorse, face scrunched in anger.

"Sure yeah." She girl replies easily.

"Where is she?" Ellie asks, enunciating ever word.

"In the hopsital." The girl says, like a smart ass. Ellie presses the knife against her neck harder, nicking the skin.

"Where in the hospitals?" She asks, impatience filling her.

"They're clearing out the upper floors, that's where she'll be." Ellie looks up, moving the knife away slightly as she thinks. When she does this the girl turn around quickly, raising her gun to shoot Ellie. Before she can Ellie shoves her knife into the front of her throat, removing it a second later. The girl falls to the ground, bleeding out.

"That was dumb." Wren says behind her, rising out of the water to Join Ellie. The red head peers down at the now dead girl, some type of remorse hitting her, she shoves it away easily when thoughts of Joel resurface.

"Tell me about it." Ellie wipes her knife on her wet jeans, before returning it to her holster. "We'll check the upper floors, and try not to run into any WLF." Ellie turns towards Wren, who smiles and winks.

Serenity - Ellie Williams [1]Where stories live. Discover now