Radio Tower

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"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"


"How a-"

"If you don't shut up, I'm shooting you." Ellie whips around to look at Wren, glare on her face. If looks could kill, the other girl would be six feet deep. Wren raises her hands, a slight grin on her face that makes Ellie groan as she realizes the girl was looking to annoy her.

"Alright, I'll stop." She promises with a small giggle that shouldn't sound cute. Ellie turns back around, walking beside a mail truck while keeping an eye out for any runners. Part of her feels the need to strike up a conversation with the other girl, Joel used to say she talked too much.

"What's that scar on your cheek?" She asks anyways, hating her need for human interaction. Anyone could see that she had gotten a lot quieter in the last few years, but that comes with the trama probably.

"Oh, it's dumb." She laughs, and Ellie hates that her mind calls it a cute laugh. What even is a cute laugh? "I was hunting with my mom, fell on my face and hit a rock." Ellie lets out a small chuckle, able to see Wren doing that.

"How are you still alive?" She wonders out loud, regretting her choice of words. "I mean, you have to be the most clumsy person I've ever met." She corrects.

"Yeah, that's fair." She laughs again, watching Ellie leap over a line of parked cars in the road. "But I- watch it." A hand slaps across Ellie's chest, nearly sending her to the grass as she stops abruptly.

"What?" She asks, only to see it a second later. Strung up between cars; a trip wire. Her mind takes a trip to a city she passed through with Joel, Bill's city. God did that asshole even make it?

"Tripwire, best to avoid them or set them off from a distance." Wren says, voice more serious than Ellie's heard before.

"I see you avoiding the question." Ellie replies, turning easily to walk on the other side of the car with Wren in tow.

"Yeah, right." Wren says sarcastically. "You haven't even seen me in action, maybe I'm a badass."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Ellie laughs back, not believing the other girl in the slightest.

"Hey, is that the tower?" Wren asks, ignoring Ellie's reply completely. The girl follows Wren's finger to a tall building in the near distance, very obvious.

"Yeah, ready for this?" Ellie asks, looking over her shoulder at the girl.

"I'm just wishing we'd brought the horse instead of leaving her back there, this is way too much walking."


"So, smarty pants, how are we getting up there?" Wren asks, looking up at the tall building. "I can't imagine the front door is open."

"No, but that balcony is." Ellie points up to a small balcony barely visible from their vantage point. "But we can't fly, I hope you're ready to climb." She looks over to an odd building of overgrown layered gardens. It's almost like a deranged ladder.

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