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I'm sorry for not doing more Dina/Jesse stuff but I promise we will see them again 😉. Also this is going to LOOSELY follow the actual game, with some drama coming soon...

Why didnt u guys tell me the title said serentity 😭😭



"Are we there yet?"

"Shut up." Ellie immediatly from infront of me on Shimmer. I grumble a few choice words under my breath before falling silent, pouting as i slouch on Ellie's horse. I gave up on being afraid of the other girl a while ago, but that doesn't mean she's been any nicer.

At the tense silence I feel the need to strike up a conversation, but I can already guess how that will go so instead I settle on watches the trees pass as we ride.. The horse moves gracefully through the overgrown foliage, and i'm grateful my butts already gone numb on the saddle. Smacking a bug from her arm, i groan internally at the heat. She left Jacksons freezing winter only to be caught in an endless summer.

Ellie leads the horse onto what used to be a highway, dilapitated signs barely leading the way towards Seattle as she goes. "I can't imagine what it used to look like before," i sigh, the words leaving me before i can think about Ellie's probably snarky response.

"Joel says it was noisy in most of the cities, busy." She surprisingly responds, without the usual venom in her voice. I shrug my shoulders, deciding not to respond as I stretch my arms over my head to loosen the tense joints. The entire trip had been almost too easy, but I know the closer we get to the center of the city the more infected there will be. Still, it's been a long time since i've seen a large group- maybe those things are finally dying off.

scratching at my fabric covered arms, I hate how the sweat feels trapped underneath the fabric. "You wouldn't be so uncomfortable if you didn't wear long sleeves in summer." Ellie remarks coldly, apparently able to tell that i'm uncomfortable without having to turn around. Probably able to feel me shifting restlessly

"It keeps me from getting sunburned." I immediately respond, it isn't a lie since it's technically true. Suddenly, the horse lurches foreward and I let out a high-pitched girly shriek before wrapping my arms abruptly around Ellie's waist to keep from toppling over. In front of me, the other girl begins to laugh hard enough I can feel the movement under my arms.

"That was hilarious!" Ellie remarks, still laughing like me nearly falling off the horse is the funniest thing she's ever seen. I grumble as she unwraps my arms from around the girl, face heating with embarrassment at the proximity.

"Shut up." I hiss, crossing my sweaty arms across my chest while I pout.  "It's not even that funny." I turns my head to the side, and Ellie's chuckles subside after a moment.

"It was kind of funny."



"Woah," the petite girl behind me says, staring up at the same structure as her. "This gate is wasn't closed when my mom and I came though." The girl remarks, making me quirk an eyebrow. I resist the urge of replying with a snarky remark, knowing it'll just make it awkward.

Serenity - Ellie Williams [1]Where stories live. Discover now