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Wren drops behind an overturned car, head bowed to block out the steady rain hitting over her. The storm rolling in makes it hard to see anything, couple that with the quickly darkening sky and Wren might as well be blind.

She looks at her rifle, checking how many bullets she has and then peering around the car at the apartment building in front of her. It's got tents lined up outside, and while it looks mostly empty she can see the guards patrolling outside. 'do I try and sneak by them?' She asks herself, biting her lip gently as she brushes hair from her forehead. Finally she takes a deep breath, rising into a crouch.

'Take out the ones patrolling, sneak inside, get my mom, get the fuck out.' She runs through the plan, slinging her rifle over her shoulder to retrieve her knife instead. Looking at the apartments she can see three guys standing in front of a gate, with two patrolling to the left and one to the right. They don't seem very aware, probably only there for the infected that might approach. There are cars on either side of the driveway to the gate, perfect.

Wren slinks around the car to the left, is the grass tall enough to hide her body as she darts up against the trunk of a car. One of the soldiers walks on the right of it straight towards her. Wren backs up a few steps, following his movement opposite until she rounds the side not facing the driveway. The soldier turns, walking to her side of the car. Just before he sees her, Wren rises up, kicking the back of his knee so he falls into a kneel. She pulls him down with a hand on his bag, before sliding her knife against the base of his neck. He starts to cough, gurgling slightly as he dies. Wren leaves him on the ground, looking around for his friend.

She spots the second soldier walking towards them, nearly putting Wren in his line of sight. Wren sucks to the hood of the car, wedging herself between it and the car parked in front of it. The darkness of the day gives her just enough shadow that the soldier passes her by. She retrieved her Bow and one arrow as he approaches his friend. She takes quick aim as the soldier reaches for his radio, letting the arrow fly and hitting him in the back of the neck.

He falls to the ground easily, and Wren approaches in a crouch to retrieve her arrow. She only has four left, just enough to take the rest of these assholes out. She turns to the right side of the driveway, looking for the soldier on that side, and finds him leaned against a car smoking.

She takes aim with the Bow, taking a deep breath before releasing the deadly arrow on the exhale. It hits him in the side of the scull, killing him easily. Ignoring the arrow with some pain, Wren turns back to the three men guarding the gate, knowing that if she wants to do this silently she will have to be fast.

She sends a prayer up to whoever is listening as she docks an arrow, hopping the lessons with her mother payed off. She aims at the first one, on the right, taking a deep breath before releasing it. Before it even hits its target she has another in her hands, aiming at the middle guy who already noticed his friend. She lets it fly, hitting him in the neck. The third guy goes down a second later, arrow in his eye.

Wren returns the Bow to its place on her back, mentally high fiving herself as she lets out a deep breath of relief. 'I still got it.' She sighs, starting foreward towards the gate. It's short enough for her to climb so she ignores the three bodies on the ground, reaching above her head at the chain link fence before setting on foot in a small hole. She pulls herself up, scaling the fence despite the pain in her ankle. It throbs gently, but not hard enough that she can't hop the fence, landing in a crouch.

Serenity - Ellie Williams [1]Where stories live. Discover now