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I'm back bitchezzzz also why did I switch to 3rd person 5 chapters in 😂😂😩😩


"Jesus," Ellie whispers, staring at the side of Wrens partially bruised face. The other girl doesn't reply, looking down at the hands in her lap. Ellie looks over her arms with a newfound sense of respect, for Wren to have survived that? She's tough.

"My mom ended up killing them and getting me out of there, but she thought I would turn." Wren looks over at Ellie, shivering slightly before reaching into her bag. "Maria convinced everyone not to shoot me until I turned so my mom could grieve, but then I didn't." She pulls the tshirt over her head, wincing as she does.

"Wait, I went through Jackson a week after they arrived at the power plant." Ellie remembers, eyes widening as she realizes. "How didn't I see you or hear about what happened?"

"We left weeks after I got attacked, Maria and Tommy didn't tell anyone I was immune." Wren shrugs as she pulls her brown hair out of the shirt. "Why would she have?"

"Cause I'm-" Ellie cuts off, her mind waging an internal debate as she looks at Wren. Joel told her to never reveal her secret, but can't she trust Wren? "Joel was close with Tommy so I just thought he'd say something." Ellie finishes, mind made up.

"Oh, well my mom probably told them not to." Wren stands up, unbuttoning her jeans before starting to shimmy them down her legs. Ellie looks away with a red face, staring at the wall even when Wren laughs. "Relax, hot stuff, just getting out of my wet clothes so they'll dry." Ellie swallows the lump in her throat as she turns back around, very pointedly looking at Wren in the eyes.

"That's a good idea," she mutters before scrambling to stand, pulling her wet tank top over her head and laying it across the counter with her button up Wren had borrowed. She pulls of her jeans next, sighing in relief as she rids her legs of the wet denim. Undressing leaves her in a sports bra and grey men's briefs.

"Nice tattoo," Wren says, making Ellie turn around towards her. An action she regrets when she sees Wren in a large tshirt that hits her at mid thigh... and nothing else.

"Uh what?" Ellie asks, brain short circuiting until she finally catches up. "Oh, yeah, thanks!" She turns back towards her stuff, reaching into her back for a toothbrush and toothpaste. "I'm just gonna go get ready for bed." She laughs uneasily before quickly exiting the room, her face burning.


Wren giggles to herself as the door shuts softly, walking over to her bag on the makeshift bed to find her own toothbrush. She sets about getting ready, eyes falling onto the bite marks on her arms many times. She feels weird exposing them, her mothers warnings echoing in her head. But it also feels good, not being the only one to bare the weight of her secret.

She knew Ellie wouldn't hurt her once she realized Wren wasn't infected, but she was also scared. It took a month to get the red haired girl to even look her way without a glare- but Ellie doesn't seem mad that she hid it.

'She seemed more embarrassed when you stripped.' Wren's mind playfully says, and the girl grins to herself'. Maybe she had done it to see how Ellie would react- and maybe it was a little cruel. If anything it was payback for Ellie leaving her behind at the gate.

The door opens behind her, and she turns to see Ellie enter with her face tucked down. Instead of torturing her further, Wren grabs her bag and sets it on the ground, but not before she retrieved a knife from one of the pockets. It's a habit to hold one while she sleeps, to comfort her.

She situates herself on the makeshift bed, feet pointed at Ellie's side with her head pointing to the wall. The other girl rummages around for a minute before walking over to her side, seemingly avoiding Wren's eyes all together as she lays down on her bed. Her feet point to Wren's and she lays on her side facing the wall.

Wren closes her eyes, laying on her back, with her knife gripped tightly in her fist. She moves and wiggles a bit to get comfortable, and her foot makes contact with Ellie's shin. "Jesus your feet are cold!" The girl hisses from the other side of the room. Wren lets out an indignant squawk as she stares at the ceiling.

"I'm sockless!"


I know this is a filler chapter I'm sorry. I'm trying to update more just give me a few days to get a rhythm with my school. <3

Unedited duh

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