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Wren lets out a sigh, removing her arm from around Ellie's middle to knock on the door. Beside her, Ellie latches onto her shirt as if Wren is going to leave her there. The brunette knocks on the door hastily before returning her arm around Ellie's waist.

The door opens after some shuffling on the other side, revealing Jesse and Dina. "Thank god you're back we were so- oh my god what happened?" Jesse asks, moving aside with Dina as Wren helps Ellie inside.

"Is Ellie okay?" Dina asks, trying to get a look at her. Irritation slides over Wren, but she attempts to shake it off.

"It's not her blood." Wren confirms, nodding grimly at the two. Dina bites her lip but steps away, allowing the immune girl to lead Ellie further inside.

"Did you find Joel?" Jesse asks, looking at Ellie with a worried expression. Wren glares fiercly at him and he steps back, hands up in surrender. "Sorry, not the right time." He nods. "I'm going to go warm up some food,okay?" He turns to leave before anyone can respond and Wren lets out a sigh as he goes.

She doesn't speak while leading Ellie towards the short couch, setting the girl down with a grunt at the pain that races up her ankle. She looks at Dina, preparing for any questions. "Ellie, what happened?" Wren looks at the girl, expecting her to respond, but she continues to stare down at her bloody hands. Her entire body shaking.

"I'm not sure, she's been like this since I found her." Wren says softly, feeling guilty for talking about Ellie while she's sitting right there. "She talked to Nora, and I think she got the information." Sharing a look with Dina, they both know what that means.

"Okay, I'm going to go get her other clothes- I washed them in the rain today." Dina hastily nods, seeming uncomfortable like she doesn't know what to do. Wren nods with her jaw clenched, wondering why her friends don't even want to help Ellie. She's known the girl for all of two months.

"Ellie," Wren kneels in front of the bloody girl, gently grabbing her hands to block her view of them. "Why don't we go clean up, okay?" She asks gently, trying to look at her expression.

"Okay." She whispers in response, voice so quiet Wren barely hears it. It's so different from the strong girl who threatened Nora earlier, Wren can only imagine what happened to upset her this bad.

Wren gently helps Ellie stand from the chair, bearing most of her weight with an arm around her waist. Ellie doesn't speak, leaning into Wren like she's her lifeline- and maybe she is. "C'mon, work with me Els." Wren whispers, using her other hand to open the double doors leading into the theatre.

They walk towards the stage between the rows of chairs together, Sweat starting to bead along her brow bone. She helps her up the stairs, her arms starting to shake with exhaustion as she does, but she powers through it.

"I am gonna sleep so hard tonight," she says, blabbering to Ellie like the girl is actually listening. They make it behind the curtain, where Wren pulls it open and hurries past it. She stumbles her way to the dark walking towards the slightly ajar door with light peeking out.

"End of the ride, Els" she whispers as they enter, walking towards the makeshift beds lines against the wall, she sits Ellie down on one with a huff. Letting go, she stands up and moves a few steps away. Ellie's head snaps up to watch her, the movement confusing Wren.

Someone knocks on the door behind them, and both girls jump in alarm. Wren turns to see Dina enter with a bucket in one hand and clothes in the other. "I brought some water so Ellie could clean up, and some clothes." She smiles gently, and Wren nods.

The tan skinned girl walks over to Ellie, setting the bucket down and the clothes on the bed. She stares at her friend, gently touching her shoulder and seeming at a loss for words. "You got this?" She asks Wren, looking at her with gently eyes.

Serenity - Ellie Williams [1]Where stories live. Discover now