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As the time for the Malfoy dinner arrived, she could not prevent getting ready any longer. So, rather reluctantly and with numerous annoyed sighs through the process, she dressed and readied herself for an evening of internal torture - also known as her thoughts. She of course refused to wear green like her mother had asked her to, instead sporting a dark red jumper. Her father seemed rather entertained by her outfit and even laughed when mother was getting the floo powder from Meline.

Once the Cadieux's were all through the floo, they stood in the entryway of the Malfoy manor and dusted off their shoulders. Ivy sighed deeply and forlornly, trying to make it as inaudible as possible to avoid a disagreeing look from her parents. She half-listened half daydreamed as Narcissa stepped out into the hall, welcoming the older Cadieux with open arms (Ivy had openly not favoured hugs for the past three years of her life) as they struck up the usual welcoming chatter. But her attention was caught when Draco stepped out into the hall, shoes clacking against the linoleum a lot quieter than his mothers had.

She looked at him as he ran a hand through his already tousled hair, really looking at him unlike after she had left the ball. She stared at him and felt something she'd almost never felt in her life - a physical, atavistic hatred and the urge to do something violent to soothe it away. Luckily (for him) before she could do such a thing  Narcissa swept them all away to the dining room.

Ivy sat opposite her two parents, of course, next to Draco with Narcissa at the head of the table. She felt some sort of screwed relief at the fact that the person who murdered her brother was not present at the table - that would most certainly cause the inability to focus and/or function.

They sat at their meal, almost silently other than the clanking of cutlery that came with the first course. The conversation started between Naricassa and Aurelie, it flowed like a river and often had the two of them chuckling. Her father joined in the conversation after that, yet the younger two at the table remained completely silent. Draco, being the asshole that he was, kept 'accidentally' kicking her leg under the table and smirked whenever she let out an annoyed sigh. He was really testing her patience along with the likeliness of murder.

"Ivy drop the fork!" Father exclaimed, causing all clinking of metal against china to stop automatically. Ivy, who had just been pilling leaves onto her fork with far too much in her mind to actually look at what she was doing, looked up with such confusion written on her face that he explained, "There are sesame seeds in the salad."

She moved around the contents of her bowl briefly and felt her eyes widen at the sight of the seeds buried at the bottom.  "Is that a problem?" Narcissa asked softly, looking much more concerned than her son was. He had simply just gone back to eating, staring at that one spot in the table runner again.

"I'm allergic to them," she smiled softly, though her entire body yearned to act as rude as she wanted to be. Being polite would keep up the ruse so he had to be, there was not another option.  She gently put her fork down, feeling glad to have near-missed going into anaphylactic shock.

"Oh, I completely forgot I am so sorry! I'll get you something else."

"Oh no, don't worry. It's fine," she smiled politely, pulling the napkin off of her lap and laying it over the bowl. "I'll just go and get some air."  It was as if she had swallowed the seeds, the tightness in her throat and the lack of air that could get into her lungs. The green painted on the walls sickened her stomach and she could not help but just want to stick her knife into the side of the boy sat next to her, letting crimson flow out onto his crisp white shirt just to be done with it all. To finally have some sort of peace. To be able to wake up and not feel such aching pain at the longing to see her brother again.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now