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Random tests had annoyed Ivy since first year. She would look forward to a lesson where she could sit within her own thoughts, half-listening and only answering the questions she was asked by the teacher. Random testing ruined that hope. Instead, she would have to fill out the booklet and then sit in silence for the remaining thirty minutes of the test because weirdly she always finished with thirty minutes left - every single time without fail. Now normally during that thirty minutes she would lay her head down on the desk and take a nap. But today,  she couldn't because Malfoy (who sat next to her in Charms) had decided to use a little too much cologne that morning. So instead, with anger toward him brewing in her stomach, she began plotting murder again.

A gentle nudge to her arm on the desk bought her out of any and all concentration on the multiple different plans in her mind. "What's the answer to question eight?" Draco whispered under his breath, using his hand in order to cover up his mouth.

She laughed softly, lifting her head up from the desk. The corner of her mouth pulled up into a smirk, "Asking for my help? Really?"

"Oh come on Cadieux," he sighed, tapping his quill against the desk impatiently. She sat up properly, running a hand through her hair to push it out of the way. She leaned over and pulled his test paper from under his elbow, reading the question he wanted to know the answer to. She also noted that there was one that he answered incorrectly, like awfully wrong but she wouldn't tell him that.

"If I do this you have to help get the supplies for Fin's birthday, I hear you have a hookup," she whispered back, turning her head and raising a brow when he remained silent for far too long.

He finally nodded after considering whether it would be worth it or not, "I do."

"Then do we have a deal?" she asked softly, watching Flitwick walk across the classroom. The last time two people had been caught chatting in an exam, they had been doomed to fail for the entire year. That was not a fate neither of them wanted, Ivy for her sense of pride and Draco for the trouble it would cause with his father.

"Fine," he sighed once Flitwick had sat back down, getting engrossed in his book again.

She grinned, finding all sorts of satisfaction with the fact that he had one, needed her help and two that she now had the means to get the alcohol for Fin's birthday. "Cured Ague," she whispered back moving slightly closer, making her voice so quiet that it would not give anyone else the answer.

"I knew that," he whispered back with some sort of self-revelation, scrawling down the answer immediately.

She chuckled softly and lay back down on the desk, resting her head in the crook of her elbow but facing towards him so he could still hear her whispers, "Sure you did."

"I did," he whispered back, struggling to keep his voice from a defending shout.

"And I totally believe you," she chuckled as he closed the question paper back up, sighing.

"Have you finished the test?" he asked softly as she moved her head back to stare into the darkness created by her arms. She nodded then listened to the sound of scrunched parchment being pulled from one of his pockets.

She lifted her head, partly out of intrigue and found herself watching as he drew a three by three grid with a weirdly focused expression. "A muggle game? So you've been doing some research," she whispered laughing softly as she fished her pen from the pocket in her robes.

"They played it in a book I read, I figured you knew the rules," he shrugged, waiting for her to make the first move or to explain how to play since they never explained it in the actual book.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now