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Ivy and Fin rather reluctantly woke on the morning of September first. Fin had to practically drag Ivy from the warm enclosure of her bed, which wasn't unusual given that the two of them shared a room in Hogwarts. They had a five-person room to themselves in the Slytherin tower, even though Fin was a Hufflepuff. Of course that took a bit of persuasion to Dumblewhore. But a hefty sum for a good sleeping experience at Hogwarts was worth the memories they had in that room.

At the station, they ran into Blaise and the three of them were reunited again. Having not been together since Antony's funeral (due to Fin being on holiday with their dad and brother) it was rather nice for Ivy especially to be around her two best friends in a happy situation, rather than one that felt like absolute crap - to put it in short.

Ivy found herself distracted by a certain looming thought of sadness that she hadn't quite expected to be hit with. She found herself swept up in the memory of her brother's laughter in her first year at Hogwarts, where he had carried her over his shoulder onto the train as she was too distracted by the hustle and bustle of the platform. Her distraction quickly became her worst enemy. Her foot slipped from a step onto the train and she found herself falling backwards not so gracefully. Thankfully, before she could hit her head on the platform and gain a concussion someone stopped her descent. A simple hand on her back, another clutching her legs to stop her from hitting the ground. She exhaled deeply and quickly, shock sprinting through her veins as she looked up.

Her eyes met the eyes of Draco Malfoy, who sprouted a small playful smirk that only spited her more. "Decide you didn't want to get on the train after all Cadieux?" he chuckled, keeping a hold of her back even after she stood back up straight with such fury burning in her eyes.

She scoffed, shrugging herself off his arm as she stepped onto the train "How is your spot on the round table? I personally hope it's awful," she smirked, looking back at him as he stepped onto the train just as it started to ready itself for movement.

He chuckled softly and infuriatingly, sliding the door to the train shut before he looked back to her, "No, it's pleasant actually. Lots of polish, you know for-"

"Your shining armour, I know. I'm not stupid," she sighed, shaking the lingering feeling of his hands on her body from her mind.

He was about to give a perfect rebuttal to that statement but didn't have the time. The train started up, speeding ahead quicker than it probably should have. He lost his footing and half fell forward, using an extended hand to stop himself from falling into the very wall that she lay on. Ivy made no effort or attempt in saving him, the train could have done the job for her in a rather extreme situation. His arm half trapped her in place, his face lingering inches away from hers. "Your potions scores from last year tell a different story...Cadieux," he muttered, icy gaze flickering to her eyes for a second too long. He moved his hand back to his side and began to walk off, leaving a frowning Ivy behind.

"In one lesson, you're holding one lesson over my head?" she yelled down the corridor as he walked away, heading to the coveted 'Malfoy' compartment of the train. She sat in there in fourth year just to spite him and honestly, the look on his face was something she remembered and treasured to this very day. She thought it was highly ironic that he decided to bring that up, given that she was currently plotting to kill him with a muggle based potion that she would simply slip into his drink at the right time. The perfect and most discrete way to kill someone, all she had to do was make it untraceable.

He turned just as he reached the door, half laughing to himself, "That's the second time I've saved you without so much as a thank you by the way."

She scoffed automatically. "Saved me? Funny," she replied with sarcasm laced through the words, scowling as he looked her up and down without her knowledge before he disappeared to his seat.

She lingered in the corridor for a moment, mind running a little behind on the processing front. Just so much had happened in such a short space of time, she needed a few seconds to one, catch her breath and two, to figure out where Fin and Blaise had wandered off to. She thought deeply, trying to remember which way she had seen them turn off to and quickly figured out that they had both gone down the corridor, past the 'Malfoy' compartment. So with a slight sigh, that fulfilled its purpose of slowing her heart rate down after the near-death experience, she walked down the corridor.

Draco watch her walk past the window as Astoria nattered in his ear about her family holiday. She didn't see the victorious smirk playing on his lips but she did catch a glimpse of the victorious look in his eyes. It made her chuckle, him thinking that he had the upper hand over her. What utter and complete bullshit. Though it did give him a false sense of security that she could well and truly use to her advantage.

Within five minutes on the train, methods of death-bringing seemed even more plentiful than before.

Ivy slumped into her seat next to Blaise, putting her feet up on the seat next to Fin s she rested her head on Blaise's shoulder. "I'm going to kill him," she half muttered, sighing her exhaustion away partly. She could have fallen asleep right then and there, given her lack of sleep from the night before. She loved Fin deeply, to the grave, but they did have a tendency to talk late into the night about the most random things.

"Who?" Fin asked softly, plucking a thread on their jumper with the utmost attention directed to it. It seemed to vex them greatly.


"You've been saying that for years Ivy," Fin replied with light laughter that Blaise soon matched, the melodic sound almost taunting her. She could easily show them, show everyone who thought she'd become soft after her brother's death. And all it would take is a simple potion or blade or.... well the world was her oyster so to speak.

"To be fair he says the same thing about her too," Blaise shrugged once the short laughter trailed off. She had momentarily forgotten about their sharing room situation. Another plan brewed in her head, Blaise having access to where Draco slept could be of great use to her later on. Perhaps a sneak attack while he was sleeping? Oh but she so did want to see his life wither away through his eyes. Just like Lucius had with her brother.

She chuckled softly, trying not to sound suspicious whatsoever. So she brushed off the topic like she always did, "He just deserves it, is all. Dick."

"Fin, what's the time?" Blaise asked after a moment of silence, looking to Fin for an answer.

"Quater past," they replied without even looking at the watch on their wrist. Fin just had a rather peculiar yet completely fascinating thing with time, they just always knew what the time was without even looking. It was as if they felt every passing second and counted it in their head. They had been able to do it since Ivy could remember, well first year, but probably before that too.

"Gotta go, I'm meeting Luna," Blaise smiled and Ivy immediately moved her head off his shoulder and dropped her legs to the ground, giving him the space to move out of their compartment.

"Oh say hi from me!" Fin called after Blaise, having finally pulled the thread from their jumper without too much damage being done to the fabric.

Ivy called afterwards, "Me too!" 

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now