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Ivy decided to skip the last lesson on her timetable, having had enough of school for that day. She had been in lessons with Malfoy all day and his face just taunted her in the worst way possible. The stupid smirk he always gave her or how he looked when trying not to laugh out loud. She hated him so much that she felt a rising hatred in her stomach whenever he was around. She just couldn't get him off her mind and consequently, the murderous thoughts would not budge. She hadn't spent this long thinking of taking his life before and honestly, she disliked how it took away so much of her lacking energy.

Blaise and Fin were both in classes so she wouldn't go to them. Instead, she decided to walk into town (after hiding away from a patrolling teacher via broom closet.) She had a dream the night before, about telling her parents about what had truly happened to Antony and the thoughts of doing so had become so loud in her mind that the only relief in sight was creating the dream. Only she could not do it in person, instead she would have to use the phone which was not ideal in the slightest.

She and her dad talked for about half an hour, just catching up on various things that hadn't been included in letters or she just hadn't told him about yet. It ranged from a new book she found and why she had a detention a few days previous. But all in all,  it was a heartfelt conversation that made her somewhat more comfortable with telling him the one thing that had plagued her mind. Finally getting off her chest had her heart beating rapidly, breaths coming out somewhat shorter than usual. She sighed as the conversation reached a standstill/ the perfect opportunity to tell him what was going on. "Dad, please just hear me out okay?"

"What's going on?" he asked quickly, concern flooding through his words due to her sudden and rather a dramatic tone change.

"I don't think what happened to Ant was an accident," she almost whispered, sighing softly as the words flooded out of her mouth and the weight went along with it. For a split second, her thoughts her still. Then, she got to thinking of the repercussions of this. Surely there had to be something good because of it, at least?

A pause followed, the line going so quiet that she thought he had disconnected. The pause lasted a few minutes but to her, it felt like decades. "So you're saying that he meant to do it?" he whispered, voice on some sort of verge of breaking. He hid it well and Ivy did not identify it.

"No no no not at all," she blurted quickly, wondering why he had thought that instead of foul play. "I just- I have a gut feeling that it was someone's fault."

"Look Ivy," her father sighed and she immediately knew that this wasn't going to be good. It would be far from the reaction that she had suspected, the one that had haunted her dreams the night before. "Losing Ant is something that will have undoubtedly changed you forever but you cannot project your feelings of hatred toward the earth to some innocent."

She fought the urge to scoff, swallowing it back, "So you're telling me that you don't even suspect-"

He soon interrupted, voice snappier than usual, "No, I don't. And neither do any of my colleges, it was an open and closed case. Do you need to go and talk to Anita?"

"No Dad, I don't need to go and see that stupid grief counsellor, I'm fine," she sighed deeply, resting her head against the side of the telephone box. She didn't believe a single word of it, just needed for him to get off of her back.

"You don't sound fine," he contradicted, sighing deeply.

"Mon Dieu," she muttered, shaking her head of some of the urge to just hang up on him without another word. "Have a good day Dad, say hi to Maman for me."

"Ivy wait-"

She slammed the reviver back down and walked out of the box, muttering "Asshole." She walked all the way back to the castle, ignoring the urge to go back and give him a piece of her mind.


Ivy went up to her room and found a letter from her father already laying on the windowsill, delivered moments earlier. She scoffed and threw it straight into the bin, not bothering to even open the envelope. She paced until the sun went down, unable to get any sort of control over her thoughts. The sun had started to set when Fin walked into the room, frowning when they spotted Ivy smoking as she stared out of the open window. "Why didn't you go to lesson? Lupin asked if you were okay," Fin asked as they walked into the room, dumping an armful of books onto their desk with a thud that echoed in Ivy's head for a moment too long.

"I went to talk to Dad instead," she shrugged, taking the final drag of the cigarette in her hand. She, while exhaling, snuffed it out on the outside of the window sill and flicked it into the bin.

Fin raised a brow, wondering what had been so important that she had skipped an entire lesson. They sat down opposite her on the windowsill, unlacing their boots as they replied, "You never miss Defense though..."

"I know, this just couldn't wait," she shrugged, closing the window back up since the cold air had started to raise the hairs on Fin's arms. "Turns out it was all for nothing though, didn't even listen to me." The thought that he hadn't listened because she was proposing something completely preposterous didn't even cross her mind for a split second, let alone long enough for it to linger so she could realise how stupid she must have sounded.

Fin, noticing the look in her eyes, looked toward their bag as they half-whispered, "I have a bottle of fire whisky in my bag."

She raised a brow and laughed, "And I thought I could not love you any more."

An entire bottle of fire whisky later, Fin was completely conked out and snoring softly. Ivy however could not still her drunk mind nor could she figure out how to get to sleep with such a turning in her mind. So she climbed out of bed, suffering a slight mishap with a blanket that got wrapped around her legs. She slowly walked over to where the painting that covers her deepest secret hung and, while making sure Fin hadn't stirred, she took the painting on the wall and stared at all the papers that hung there. The post-its with each and every planned attempt and how it failed, so she could weed out why things went wrong. The various ideas that had come to her mind were all scrawled down on a coloured piece of paper, red was unsafe and green good ideas. There were more red than green, her mind tended to drift into more violent approaches often.

Something snapped within her mind, whether it was the final straw of her sanity or just utter annoyance, she did not know. The only thing she knew now was that staring at the wall, with all her failed discouraging attempts written in black sharpie, only made the urge to kill him worse. To be able to prove to herself that she could do it and fulfil the promise she made to her brother. She tore it all down, every single piece of paper and push pin clattered to the floor in almost silence so she did not wake Fin. Tears of pure anger flooded down her face as she carried it all to the bathroom. She closed the door, put up a silencing spell, then tore each piece of paper into small scraps that all got thrown into the bathtub.

Then she simply set it alight, watching the paper curl as it caught alight. She had the aguamenti charm if anything went wrong and the windows of the bathroom were wide open, letting out the minimal smoke it gave off. She watched the constant and meticulous record-keeping go up into flames with silent tears rolling down her face.

Now one would think that this meant she was finally done with the murderous thoughts, having just burnt them all because she couldn't stand to stare at them. But no, Ivy felt quite the opposite. She just knew that planning would not get her anywhere. She just had to take the next opportunity that occurred, whether it would get her in trouble or not. She simply did not care anymore, the picture of a weeping Lucius after she killed his son was enough for any Askban sentence.

Ivy lost herself behind the revenge. 

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now