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Ivy ran as quick as her lungs would let her, which was rather slow compared to how fast she could run before Antony's death. Another negative effect of the peace bringing rotten habit she had picked up. She had received an urgent letter from Dumblewhore, permitting her first lesson off-timetable so she could go and call her Maman. These calls were rare and were only given out to the students that really needed them, in the death situations usually. She had only ever witnessed five of these calls and each of the students came back with the same consensus.

She reached the room where the emergency phone was kept. It was a small room, off the back of Professor Lupins' classroom. It had a large window that let in tonnes of light, supposedly that would make this entire process less nerve-wracking. There was a small stool, tall enough that she could comfortably sit on it without being too far away from the phone. The phone was similar to the ones in the phonebooth, extremely outdated and with an awfully crackly line. She dialled her home phone number with shaking hands, messing up once due to the speed in which she was trying to input the numbers.

"Maman? I got a note to come and ring you, is Dad okay?" her voice shook with fear, she couldn't cope with the thought of losing someone else. Her heart thumped so violently that she swore it caused the chair to shake along with the fabric of her robes and her necklace.

"I'm fine!" his voice echoed down the phone and Ivy let out a sigh of relief, mixed with a soft chuckle as the act that neither of her parents had died sunk in completely. She had no idea how that would have taken a toll on her. Functionality would become impossible. She wouldn't even want her revenge anymore.

"Mon Cheri, your Grand-père would like to speak to you," Maman added with such a tone that she knew she was pulling the fakest of joyful smiles as she spoke.

A swift punch of confusion and panic knocked at her ribs, air flying from her lungs in the shape of a deep exhale. She found herself whispering, "But I thought he was-"

Maman interrupted, muttering as to not upset him, "He got a little confused and ended up here... looking for his wife."  She felt awful for her Maman, having to see her father like how he was. It must have been an indescribable type of pain. The least Ivy could was distract him for a little while at least, no matter the consequences on her own mind or sanity.

"Pass the phone over Maman, I'll be okay," Ivy reassured, hoping that Maman would not ask any further questions so she didn't have to lie to her. She hated lying to her parents and avoided it at all costs.

A soft crackling sound flowed down the phone and Ivy listened to her grand-père's heavy French accent as it got closer and closer to the phone. "Ivy!" She had to pull the phone away from her ear, due to the volume of his booming voice.

She painted a smile on her face as she took a deep breath, hoping the visible show of emotion would somehow change her attitude and the tone of her voice, "How are you Grand-père?"

"Très Bien, how is school?" he replied quickly and enthusiastically, voice still booming down the phone.

"Oh, you know. Stressful," she chuckled, not really knowing how school was given that she hadn't been paying attention for the last week and a half. The Astoria and Draco breakup foiled her unfoilable plans for the third attempt on his life and she simply could not come up with another plan. Sure she had the small urges, to slit his throat or poison him or castra... you know, normal things but something worth an official attempt hadn't come to her yet. It was all she thought about, morning noon and night. The need to slaughter him was relentless.

Her grand-père chuckled in amusement, as if he related to the reply that she gave. If he could remember anything, it would be his school days. He talked of them fondly so often, Ivy had heard every story at least five times but she acted interested each time. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't remember. "And how is Antony? I was expecting him to be here when I got here but Aurelie said he was visiting you, something about a school trip?"

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now