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There are certain times in life that you look back on and wonder what the hell you were thinking. This would soon become one of Ivy's. 


Rain hammered against the roof of the great hall. The magic sky above the students mirrored the outside, the odd rain shower falling onto an unsuspecting student who then got given a rather large umbrella - it was playing up due to Dumbledore not being in the school. Ivy sat at dinner with Blaise and Fin, it was a day where the tables were allowed to mingle for dinner due to the absence of the headteacher. With the day being how it was, it would have taken very little to push her to the point of fury with anything. She was just so lost behind all the revenge that the littlest thing drove her to yell and insane levels of anger, it could have something to do with the fact that Fin had limited her to three cigarettes a day but she doubted that.

So when Malfoy left the table opposite hers early with a huff of certain annoyance, she couldn't help but grab onto the chance of revenge and catharsis with her entire soul. She exited herself from the table, claiming sudden illness that needed something from Dobby to fix it and grabbed her wand from the table. When Draco did die, her entire surrounding table would know that she was in the kitchen with Dobby, getting something for her illness. Dobby would, if push came to shove, back her up for anything.

She followed him outside, remaining a good few hundred metres behind him at all times so he did not catch her before she could get a vantage point. She sighed inaudibility when he chose to walk outside in the pouring rain, knowing that she was about to get completely drenched by the rain. Revenge was a decent enough purpose for that though, she would so love to climb into comfy and warm clothes to relax after finally getting her well-deserved revenge.

He stopped at the edge of the forbidden forest, staring into the darkness. She momentarily wondered why he was acting such a way but pushed it to the back of her mind, a mind clouded with only the thought of killing him with a few muttered words. She was far past doing it in a muggle way, she just needed it over and done with by now. She quietly walked up behind him, using the shadows cast by the trees to her advantage, wand outstretched and ready for the single moment that he turned around. She wanted to see the life drain from his eyes when it happened. By now, the two of them were beginning to feel the rain seep through their clothes, dripping down a few clumps of hair that had taken the brunt of the rain.

Just as she paused, foot snagged on an outstretched spindly arm of a twig, Draco turned. "Expelliarmus!" he yelled and her wand went flying into his palm. Ivy did not even have the time to look up before he threw her wand to the ground, swiftly moving forward to pin her against a tree. His forearm rested just on her collarbone, wand pointed directly to her throat. She inhaled sharply at the sudden change in dynamic, chest heaving as her stunned mind tried to comprehend what was going on. His jaw tightened in anger as his icy gaze poured into her confused one. He seethed, "That's the fourth time you've tried to kill me."

"That you've caught," she managed to choke out through the shock that tightened her throat, along with the force that he pressed against it with the end of the wand. "So how'd you figure it out?" she muttered, staring into his eyes so intently it was as if her own eyes could catch his soul on fire.

"Well, I had always suspected it."

She scoffed dryly, "You're not smart enough for that." He cocked a brow, chuckling softly at her words. "So, what did I do wrong, what caught your attention?" she asked softly, goding him with her tone of voice.

He looked as if he was having an internal battle within himself and it only intrigued her more. "Well," he sighed. "I didn't see you slip the root into my cauldron but I saw it in the bottom. I didn't piece together that it was you until I found one of your hairs on my pillow, after a suspiciously good night's sleep. I think I knew it then. You just seemed so... passionate."

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now