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Malfoy kept true to his promise and soon turned up at her door with near fifty bottles of alcohol of various different types and brands, all of which were stashed in the cupboard in her bathroom where she kept all the potion making ingredients - at least that's what she told him when he asked why she had two cauldrons that never saw the light of potions class.

So when Friday evening came, or better known as Fin's birthday, it did not take long for the party to reach dramatic proportions of loud music and not so sane minded people. However about three hours into the shindig, at around a quarter past midnight, Ivy quickly realised that the birthday person themself was nowhere to be seen. So she sent Blaise on a hunt up to the room, which came back without a trace of them. Before letting herself go into a spiral of concern, she decided to check with the one person that she knew had just been standing in the corner nearest to the door. "Malfoy," she yelled over the music, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Once he turned she leaned closer to his ear, so as to not strain her voice anymore, "Have you seen Fin leave?"

"I'm pretty sure they went running out of the room like ten minutes ago," he yelled back, using the same leaning near her ear as he replied. She nodded her thanks/acknowledgement of his reply and was about to leave to try and hunt Fin down when the crowd of people (mostly the Slytherins, Hufflepuffs and a few Gryffindors and Ravenclaws) in the middle of the room surged in their direction and knocked her balance so she fell into the wall, probably bruising her entire shoulder as it collided with the cold dark brick.

"God people just drive me up the wall," she scoffed laughing as she righted herself, using his arm as a momentary balance. He raised a brow, shocked that she even had a sense of humour like that, then laughed himself.

She removed her hand from his arm, the area now feeling cold and abandoned, before she disappeared out of the room while shoving people out of her way to form a path. She paused at the door, grabbing a shot from the 'bar' which she took before running out of the door, head swimming with only concern for Fin and their whereabouts.

Ivy walked around for a while, checking all the indoor spots that she knew that Fin loved to frequent and found that they were not in any of them. Then, while walking down a corridor with huge arches that looked out onto the black lake, she spotted the tousled hair of Fin. She stopped for a second and watched them throw rocks into the lake, finding the ripples created ever so interesting. She laughed to herself as she started to speed walk towards the lake, waving back to them when they finally noticed her approach.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked softly before sitting down next to them, legs stretched out in front of herself.

"Thinking," they replied while throwing another rock into the lake. Ivy watched as some sort of creature under the lake scooped up the rock and threw it back into Fin's palm.

"Uh oh that can't be good," she joked as they leaned their head against her shoulder.

"Hey!" they exclaimed in fake outrage, letting the rock tumble to the ground. She chuckled to herself trailing the laugh off.

"You know you worried me, disappearing like that," she whispered seriously and sighed."You missed your birthday cake too."

Their head picked up, eyes half full of joyful tears, "You got me a birthday cake?"

"Of course I did," she smiled. "It's chocolate."

Fin gasped, eyes widening as they asked, "Maltesers?"

Before Ivy could reply, Blaise sighed as he lay down in the freezing grass and threw his arm over his eyes. "What's up with you?" Ivy asked, leaning around Fin to check that Blaise had not physically harmed himself which could have been a reason for his utterly foul mood.

"The douchebag that is Goyle will be once I'm finished with him, hundred and fifty feet up in the air then dropped into the lake," he sighed dramatically, jaw clenching up with pent up annoyance that just would not shift - even after he practically shoved the guy over.

Ivy raised a brow, wondering what had pushed him over the edge. Blaise was normally a rather calm and collect guy and it genuinely took a lot to annoy him to the point of the aggravation he was currently showing. "What did he do?"

"Spoutin' shit," he sighed deeply, chest heaving up and down."He's an awful drunk."

Fin waved their arm in front of Ivy's face, trying to catch her attention again. "Never mind that! Are there Maltesers on the cake?"

"All around the edge and the top," she replied back, laughing to herself at the joyous look in their eyes. "And there's an extra box in your cupboard, Maman sent them in especially."

They hopped up, brushing grass from the back of their jeans. They grinned, "Let's go!"

"But I just got here," Blaise sighed as Fin started to pull, well tug, him up using his arm. Ivy laughed and stood too, helping Fin tug Blaise up off the grass. He seemed very against it at first then started laughing too, especially when Fin nearly fell into the lake.

"Fin?" Ivy asked softly as the three of them began the walk back to the castle. She had quickly noticed that they were a lot shorter than usual, at least a shoe's height of difference. "Where are your platforms?" 

"Back in our room, they were hurting my feet," they shrugged, looking up at the stars while they walked so close to Ivy that their shoulders brushed against her aching one.

"So you decided to walk barefoot?" Blaise laughed.

"I have socks and tights on!"

Blaise sighed while Ivy just laughed, trying to swerve them out of the way of any rocks on the ground. He had a better idea though and instead crouched down on the path, "Hop on."

Fin wasted no time unlooping their arm from Ivy's before hopping onto his back. He looped his arms underneath their legs then stood again. Fin and Blaise both laughed as he started to run to the castle. They yelled through the laughter and Ivy wished she had a camera, "To the Malteser cake!" 

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now