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On a random morning in April, when she and Fin did not have a morning lesson, Ivy trudged downstairs in basically pyjamas (large t-shirt and shorts since it was uncharacteristically warm) with two mugs in hand so she could make tea. She hadn't expected to run into anyone, given that anyone below her year was in lessons and anyone above would most likely be sleeping in since it was a Monday. She stepped into the kitchen and stopped after flicking on the overhead light. There sat Malfoy with a half unbuttoned school shirt and severely messed up hair while he sipped on a glass of water.

"Jesus you look like crap," she laughed softly, gently setting the mugs down on the kitchen counter furthest from him. He looked up and furrowed his brow, having not recognised her voice straight away due to the headache that had plagued him since waking up.

"Thanks," he murmured, voice rough as he half-watched her pour herbs into the tea strainers.

"You're welcome," she replied, turning her head and smiling a little too innocently.

He put his head back in his hands, the only position that soothed some sort of pain away, before muttering, "Hangover."

"I figured," she chuckled as she filled the kettle up with crisp looking water from the tap, she splashed a little on her arms to cool her skin down a little. Ivy flicked the kettle on and looked up, gaze falling on a bread knife that was hung against the wall that she would just about be able to reach. It looked sharp enough to cut through a vein, possibly an entire throat and she did contemplate doing so for a few minutes. But she, like always, decided against it because of the knowledge of the elves that lingered in the dark of the kitchen. Plus he was suffering a headache, she wasn't kind enough to rid him of that pain in exchange for whatever death was.

To distract herself, she walked over to the corner of the kitchen and whispered, "Dobby?" She waited a few seconds before he popped his head out from behind his usual hiding place and smiled upon recognising who it was, that he was not in any sort of danger.

"Miss Ivy," he attempted to whisper back, grinning ear to ear at the rare sight. "Did you need something from Dobby?"

"Oh no, I have a gift for you," she quickly whispered back, fishing a knitted scarf out from the single pocket that her pyjamas shorts had. It was dark blue with little silvery strands of wool within, his favourite colour. "It's from Meline, she asked me to give it to you."

Dobby smiled even brighter than before as he wound the scarf across his shoulders. The kettle stopped boiling just as he whispered his thanks to Meline. Ivy stood again, an ache in her knees from crouching down hindering her walk for a few steps. She poured water into the kettle and stirred, choosing to ignore Draco's clear stares from the other side of the room. It felt peculiar to her, to be so intently watched without a reason behind it. So she sought an act of mini revenge, just for fun you know?

As she poured the milk into Fin's drink, she began to stir the tea rather violently. The clacking of the spoon against the china echoed through the room and she could just tell that each sound bugged him so. She hadn't really noticed time passing or a change in his position since she had fallen into her own little world. But within seconds, a hand grabbed her wrist and stopped the stirring all together. She looked up and met the cold gaze of Draco, his jaw clenched in pain. "I have a headache," he muttered, voice still slightly hoarse.

She glanced down at their hands, then looked back up. She whispered, "You could have just told me to stop."

He looked at her, straight into her eyes so intensely that she felt rather uncomfortable underneath them. He seethed, "Yes but... you wouldn't have listened." The gaze was held for a second, a second too long. He dropped the intense eye contact then let go of her hand, sinking back into his seat as she gently put the tea covered spoon into the sink. She silently grabbed the two mugs then headed out of the kitchen, smiling at Dobby as he opened the door up for her. She took the open door with her foot, letting Dobby sink back into the shadows like he liked to.

"Take a shower! You smell like a brewery," she yelled through the open door then slammed it shut, sending slicing pain through his head. He groaned in annoyance and dropped his head down to the table, severely regretting his decisions of the night before. 

But what was he supposed to do after finding out that Miss Cadieux was hunting his life?


"Why do you look so cheery?" Fin laughed nervously as Ivy handed them their mug of tea. Ivy chuckled to herself as they lifted the edge of their duvet, shifting over to make room for her in bed.

"Malfoy has the worst hangover I've seen in a while," she laughed softly, settling in next to Fin while training not to spill her tea. "He looks like dog shit."

They raised a brow, slowly joining in on the laughter since such an odd thing bought her such joy, "And you're finding joy in his suffering?"

"If it was anyone else I would have given them some of my hangover cure stuff but not him," she smirked softly, attempting to hide it with the mug as she took another sip from her drink. Ivy, with her knack for poisons, also had a knack for creating tea blends for any sort of mood or reason. Right now, they were both trying out a new mix that she had created while rather sleep-deprived, it had the opposite effect than she wanted and kept her awake for most of the night.

The laughter fell and silence befell them, silence that was broken when Fin quirked a brow puzzlingly and asked, "Why do you hate him so much again?"

"He's an asshole," she scoffed, turning her attention to the painting in her room that used to hide the murderous plans. She couldn't exactly tell them that so she resorted to the reasons she had hated him before, the many reasons that only fueled her want to kill him further.

"Yeah but... surely there are other things?"

"There are, too many to count really."

"Give me one," Fin asked as if they suspected she did not have any worthy reasons or any reasons at all for that matter.

She thought for a moment, trying to pick one particular reason amongst the many that stemmed from his family name. "Stole my potion and handed it in, leaving me his crappy one in first year."

"I forgot about that," they laughed, the picture of that day forming in their mind very clearly. It was the day that the two of them had become such friends, since Fin decided to share their potion with Ivy so they both got good grades. In fact, she ended up getting a better grade than Draco did. Definitely not because she spiked his potion during detention or anything... no not at all. 

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now