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Exams turned to celebrations and soon came the evening before their departure from the school. To Ivy, the year had run away from her. She had been so focused on everything else, murdering and attempting to soothe the turning within her soul, that she hadn't noticed the little things that usually fill up the passing time. She hadn't been particularly conscious of the laughing conversations with her friends or hadn't taken part in watching all the quidditch matches because she simply could not handle watching something that her brother used to love so. Something within her knew that the summer would be different though, even though it came with the anniversary of his death, she knew something about the near two hotter months would be different. Full of more events worth being documented in her life. 

Fin had claimed the room for the evening, which she did not mind at all as it wasn't like she had anything important to do. So Ivy walked around outside, after getting a bowl of ice cream from the kitchens where she chatted to Dobby for a good hour. She paid a quick visit to Lupin, drinking tea and discussing plans for the summer and current feelings. He was extremely proud of her for her progress over the year, even if it didn't feel like much to her. But after all that was done, Ivy wondered around outside just as the sun was about to fall completely from the sky in order to make space for the moon.

She wandered down to the lake, the main pretty place around the castle in her opinion and lay down in the grass, watching the wispy clouds cross over the darkening sky with so much focus that she hardly had another thought. She didn't notice the people walking past her, nor did she notice when Blaise laid at her side for a good few minutes and tried to get her attention. He wasn't offended though, knowing that she tended to go into those deep thought patterns as of recently and when they occurred she just needed alone time. So he left again, the grass beside her becoming cold before Malfoy became his replacement.

He sat near her originally, watching the darkening surface of the lake. Then once she started to get goosebumps on her arms, he moved closer and bought a lamp that sat at the edge of the path over with him. He used a spell to greaten the fire, easing the chill that came from the summer breeze. He sat next to her, close enough to see the easing goosebumps, while she lay on the grass and stared up at the sky. He was the one to break the silence, only after she had smiled at him and acknowledged his existence. He cleared his throat, speaking softly so as to not disturb her peace too much, "So, any plans?"

She sighed deeply, trying to retain any aspect of peace that she still carried within her mind. "I have one or two, both take resources that I don't currently have."

He raised a brow, having thought that she wouldn't have come up with anything different from the time they talked about it two weeks ago. With the duress of the situation it seemed odd that she did not jump at any opportunity as she had murdering him, it was almost as if she wanted to drag it out for as long as possible to avoid everything. "Care to share?"

She sat up slowly, crossing her legs and carefully threading her fingers through her hair while she pulled the curls up into a rough updo. It was getting in the way and starting to become scratchy, not ideal at all. She shrugged, "Well the first idea was to slip verita into his drink one night, in front of my parents and get him to confess but that has many different faults that are possible."

He nodded, watching as her eyes began to glint over. "Like them not believing and other Aurors not believing us."

"Exactly," she paused briefly, fighting the smile of recognition that came to her lips. She finally felt not so alone in all this, that someone actually understood and comprehended her train of thought. "Then the second is you record him confessing to it one evening but that's a feat of its own too."

He thought for a moment, weighing up his own pros and cons within his mind. "The second one seems like the better option, it's safer for more people."

"I just have to get the recording thing without my parents finding out, which seems easy enough but could take some time. I know you want to do this as quickly as possible but it's probably going to take time and multiple attempts," she responded softly, playing with a picked daisy between her fingers as a sweeping need for nicotine shook through her torso. It hadn't ever felt that intense until now, like the stress of all this plotting was starting up again. She honestly just wanted it all to stop as soon as possible yet the lingering safety within herself that came with having the power to avenge her brother was something she didn't want to just throw away as if it was a common toy.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now