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Antony Cadieux had been adept at antidotes and all their inner workings. He knew antidotes to potions that just did not exist in the books or in the deeper sections of the wizarding internet. Which was why he was considered the greatest hope for medicine before he died. The only way he could get so good was through practising, like any talent. Ivy had created those poisons, just off the top of her head without much thought. And they always worked as she intended. It was just a gift of hers, she could make any ingredients into a worthy poison and Antony always figured out the antidote. She just seemed to have a knack for it, which wasn't really something that could be celebrated. The Cadieux siblings had been quite the pair when they were both alive.

Within a week, Ivy had figured out the time and place for her first attempt at murdering Draco Malfoy. She had noticed, from various glances in the great hall, that he tended to drink strong black coffee in the mornings at breakfast. Coffee that was probably bitter and could quite easily mask the taste of any foul poison she could concoct. So she tweaked her already brewing poison, adding in a few things that would make the death quicker along with making it inconspicuous. Only she needed a few ingredients that could not be found in the student stores and would look suspicious if she bought them all at once. So, her only other option was to steal from the potions cupboard. Which also meant detention, the wasted hour would certainly be worth it.

So in her next potions lesson, straight after DADA with Professor Lupin (who had been teaching there for three years and the two had a rather interesting bond) she sat around and waited for the perfect opportunity. During the first twenty minutes of the lesson, she half-listened to instruction, trying to figure out what she could add to it to cause some damage worthy of detention. Her focus fell rapidly when Malfoy continuously flicked his quill against the desk rather annoyingly, she scowled at him when he wasn't looking and suddenly felt the urge to stab the quill straight into his jugular.

As Fin and Blaise began to brew the potion the three were supposed to be working on together, Ivy just stared at the ingredient list and tried to piece together a seemingly impossible puzzle. That's when it hit her, as quickly and fiercely as a bludger hit by a Weasley twin would. She looked to the furthest cauldron in the room, the one that would give Snape the most amount of time to remove it before everyone got poisoned (she wasn't that careless) and smirked ever so softly. She stood from her seat, ignoring the confused looks of FIn and Blaise as she grabbed the bottle needed from their table. She walked across the room as she poured a soft leaf into her palm, turning it into a fine powder with her finger. She hovered by the cauldron for a split second then dumped the powder in, walking away as quickly as possible so she was not harmed by the purple smoke that now billowed over the top of the cauldron.

Quicker than it had happened, the smoke disappeared and flooded out of the now open window. The air hung heavy with a disgusting scent of burned plastic but to her, it just felt like a victory. Snape sighed, looking to Ivy with such displeasure furrowed between his brow. "Detention Miss Cadiuex."

She had to physically stop herself from smiling, the thought of her revenge being closer then ever bought a sickly sense of joy to her stomach. She simply could not wait.


Ivy hated Severus Snape with great severity. After he had said a bad word about her brother, then Fin in the space of ten minutes she believed she had a right to hate his guts. So respect for the potions teacher was far from her mind. Her detention consisted of her sitting on a potions stool, staring out of the window while Snape gave her a lecture she just didn't listen to a single word of. He could have been reciting some sort of spiteful comments yet she wouldn't know. Being oblivious to Snape had its greatest perks and he never said anything, not wanting to have to take away more points from his house. After all, Snape desperately wanted to beat McGonagall this year after such a close gap between the competition last year.

He sighed deeply and woefully, catching a distant smidgen of her attention just in time for him to angrily swish his cloak and leave. As always Snape got bored of his continuous lectures on the girl and found himself going outside to take a break. As soon as the door clicked shut, Ivy cast a locking spell on the door and an unlocking one on the ingredients cupboard. She ran into that cupboard, chair scraping against the floor with an irritating sound that etched something in her mind. She spent a few seconds in the cupboard, looking over the various relatively disorganised ingredients that littered the shelves. Upon finding the three bottles that she needed, she unbuttoned a few buttons of her shirt, slipped them into her bra then rebuttoned her shirt. She unlocked the door (just in case he happened to walk in), and relocked the door to the ingredients cupboard. She took her seat again, legs swung up onto the desk and crossed over. She looked back out of the window just as he walked back into the room.

As if he knew what she had been up to, Snape stalked straight into the supply cupboard and rummaged through the bottles on the shelf. "Did you steal?" he accused, looking down his long nose at her.

She leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms over as she played the perfect picture of innocence, "Steal what?"


"No of course not," she replied quickly as if she couldn't currently feel cool glass against her skin or could spell a distant fern scent lingering on herself from the cupboard. She shrugged, "Maybe you just forgot where they were, you know like last year with that potion you made for Dumbledore? The one that went missing just before-"

"Yes, I know! No need to relive it," he blurted, forgetting himself for a moment. Then he furrowed his brow, "How do you know about that?"

"Gossip," Ivy shrugged once more, not wanting to give away the true reason she knew about that. Because it certainly wasn't that she had had something to do with its disappearance.  And Remus Lupin certainly hadn't also been involved in the chaos. She glanced to the clock on the wall, watching the final second of her detention tick away, "There, that's an hour I'm going."

Later in the day, Ivy smiled as she poured the perfectly measured ingredients into the boiling cauldron that lived in their bathroom. Fin knew that Ivy had a thing for making potions, she typically tended to make pain relieving ones since she often got the world's most awful headaches, so there was no need for her to hide away in an abandoned bathroom or a random locked cupboard. She brewed in broad daylight, with the window wide open and just hoped that Fin wouldn't ask for any because of a headache or another reason they were in pain, a quidditch injury perhaps. Her smile only got brighter as the potion - now poison- darkened to a coffee-like colour.

Within two days, it would be ready for use. 

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now