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Ivy walked down the longest corridor in her house which lead to the conservatory in the back, where her mother's extensive plant collection had bloomed over the past few years. She found it to be a rather peaceful place to study on the rare occasion that she did so. She had her nose in a book and one hand pointed up to what was hovering next to her as she progressed down the corridor. She stopped in front of one of the doors, reading while still for a second. During this second pause, a figure snuck up behind her.

"Cadieux," he whispered so close to her ear that he could see the hairs on her neck stand up.

She turned quickly, momentary gripping her wand just in case she had inaccurately recognised the voice. "Glad to see you haven't kicked it after all," she chuckled, gladness flashing behind her eyes. He momentarily became transfixed by the spinning sphere near her head, painting the picture of a constantly moving night sky that perfectly displayed all of the stars and planets available. She had been attempting to learn some constellations for Fin since they had really taken an interest in stars and Ivy had eventually found them to be rather pretty. For some reason, she fought it off as quickly as it occurred, Ivy felt the overwhelming urge to hug him.

He pulled the part of the recording device that held the information from his pocket, palm upturned toward her. "I-"

She interrupted his reply by placing her hand over his to disguise the device just in case anyone happened to walk past."Les murs ont des oreilles," she whispered while she glanced around the side of him, checking that neither parent happened to be around. "Come this way," she whispered, only adding to his great confusion. With that, the two of them ran down the corridor and turned various corners while taking the secret entrance to her room. Ivy's house was so old that it was full of secret passageways that maids of the past would have used to make things easier or alleys that would take deliveries straight into the kitchen. Draco had never seen these passageways so he blindly followed her, making sure to keep her in sight at all times in case she disappeared down a pathway that he could not see.

 Suddenly, Ivy stopped at the turn of her corner with widened eyes. She looked back, finding him so close that she could feel his breath on her neck, and quickly shoved him in the direction of a hiding place in the wall After a stunned stumbling. He figured out what she meant and soon hid. "Meline," Ivy smiled softly, rubbing her temple. Meline's eyes grew to be full of concern, grip tightening on the small bunch of flowers she held in her hands. "Could you tell Maman that I have gone to bed? I have a headache."

"Yes, Miss Ivy."

"Thank you," Ivy smiled once more as the elf walked past her, thankfully heading in the opposite direction as to where Draco was currently hidden. He listened to the soft steps that echoed around the alleyway but found his attention changed when she grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him out of the hiding place, reinitiating their run down the corridor that he now guessed headed to her room since they had to climb up a spiral staircase.

Once they reached her bedroom, Ivy gently closed the door as to not alarm anyone in hearing distance then muttered various silencing spells before turning back around to him. "Ok, tell me," she broke the silence, heart-thumping the adrenaline into her veins.

He cleared his throat, pulling the recording device back out of his pocket. "I talked to him last night, after he had quite a few drinks."


"He confessed to it," he replied quickly, waiting for her joyful reaction that didn't seem to occur. Instead, she stilled, eyes going wide while her blinking came repetitive.

"Seriously? You better not be fucking with me or I swear to-" she stopped as he clicked the button on the side of the box.

"Oh that Cadieux boy... Very bright for his age hm?" sickening laughter followed.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now