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Her father looked between the two of them, grip on a glass of water in his hand tightening the longer he looked back and forth. "What is this?"

"It is nothing," Ivy quickly dismissed, moving closer to her dad slowly. "He helped me."

His head flicked to Draco's direction quicker than Ivy thought was humanly possible, his face contorted with all different shades of anger, "With what exactly?"

Ivy took a deep breath, choosing to speak slowly so he did not miss a single word, "I need you to listen okay? Do not interrupt, promise?"

"Is there-"


He reluctantly nodded, confusion beginning to overwhelm the initial concern as to what he had stumbled across, "Okay yes, I promise."

"Sit," Ivy smiled softly, hoping to ease some of the worries that had gotten more concentrated with every passing second. With a single reluctant glare at Draco, he listened and took a seat on the trunk at the very end of her bed.

She took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself and her thoughts for what was about to come. The admiral to everything she had been hiding from both her parent for an entire year, the guilt that kept her up at night and gnawed at her stomach whenever the thought crept in. She hated that they had thought Antony had something to do with his own death, like many others in the world, but it had to be especially heartbreaking for them. "It's about Antony," she almost whispered, voice shaky with nerves. Just as she was about to continue, hoping her father would keep his promise of silence, she found the promise broken.

His voice came stern, "Ivy-"

"You promised!" she interrupted, hating how such emotion was shown through her voice. Ivy felt frustrated beyond belief, the smallest thing could easily set her into floods of tears simply because she just wanted it all to be over. She wanted people to believe her, even without the proof, her parents especially.

"You cannot hide yourself away with such insanities!" he yelled, the first yell she had heard from him for years on end. Draco instinctly stepped forward, his arm brushing against her back just so she knew that he was there for comfort or anything else that she needed

Ivy attempted to keep her voice somewhat level, somewhat steady amongst the pure frustration that bounced off the walls around them, "I am not! Father, just listen!"

"No! I am sick of this delusion!"

Ivy opened her mouth, the perfect rebuttal performed fell at the mention of delusion. Her mouth closed again, shock widening her eyes. She saw him in a different light from then on, a bonding band between them snapped with that word. The word that, to her, could ruin anything between anyone. Ivy had gotten sick of being called delusional for the first ten years of her life, there was no way she would keep people like that close anymore. She turned around, palm extended to Draco and he soon got the message. The recording device was placed into her hand and she watched her father's changing emotions as it played, from beginning to end. She spoke softly, almost disappointingly, "I thought that you, of all people, would know how it would feel for me to be called delusional."

His eyes were wide, jaw locked slightly open with pure shock as he attempted to make some sort of sense of their now reality. "Is this real?" he asked, clearing his throat of the anger that had plagued him beforehand.

"Yes, it is," she paused, smiling softly at Malfoy as he traced his finger down her palm. "Draco recorded it for me."

"How long have you known?" he asked, head between his knees while he stared at the floorboards beneath his feet. His voice came quiet, soft as if tears like hers were beginning to trickle down his own cheeks.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now