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Three days later and Ivy found herself skipping class for a trip into Diagon Alley - both of which were not allowed whatsoever. She couldn't care though, in fact it didn't even cause a single hesitation in her mind. She was walking blind, metaphorically of course. She was blind on anger, disappointment in herself and wasted time brewing that stupid poison that got thrown from Malfoy's hand like it didn't hold the entire future for her happiness.

Had it succeeded, she would have avenged her brother and would have finally been able to breathe without some sort of resistance in her torso.

But that hadn't occurred. So instead, she walked through Diagon Alley - not drawing much attention to herself - and walked towards a shop that matched how she felt on the inside. Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the shop covered in red (that symbolised her anger) and filled with all kinds of dangerous products if used incorrectly. She was far from thinking straight, in fact all she wanted was something to do the job quickly so she could have it over and done with.

Going from wanting to see him suffer at something Muggle related to wanting it to be over through the use of something Wizard related had her ever so confused. She was making rash decisions, not thinking anything through before she did it. And to add insult to injury, her hands had decided to start trembling due to the lack of nicotine in her system. She had run out of cigarettes since Fin had thrown away her stash of packs and Hogsmeade didn't exactly sell them. She planned to go and get some after she finished in Diagon Alley, that's if she wasn't caught beforehand.

She walked into the shop and stoled around for a few minutes, reading multiple brightly coloured labels as she tried to come up with some sort of a plan. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" one of the twins, she had never been able to identify who was who, asked as she stared at a certain sweet that was so hot it burned and caused fire breathing. She could alter that easily, make it ten times worse with very little effort. Ivy briefly knew the twins through Ron, due to their brief childhood friendship that lased through first and second year, it just fizzled out after that.

"Yes," she shrugged, not really caring because it wasn't like they would report her. That would be awfully hypocritical given what they used to get up to at school. She put the box of flaming sweets back on the shelf and sighed, not loving that idea enough. She turned to the twin at her side, still unable to figure out who it was even after looking at him for a few seconds. Then she asked, "Have you got anything a little more... well dangerous?"

He fought back a smirk and looked over to his shoulder, "George," he called to the other twin. Ah, so this is Fred. "I'm going to the storeroom."

George nodded, far too busy with whatever he was writing to even have noticed her in the shop. Ivy silently followed Fred into the storeroom, looking over the thousands of boxes that lined the corridor they walked down. "So what have you got planned?" he asked as he held open a partition in the room, entering a section that had red tape all over the boxes with the ministry stamped upon it. This was more like it.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you," she shrugged softly, reading the labels in front of her. He chuckled as he opened one of the boxes, being careful not to tear the tape too much. She wasn't technically lying.

"So these," he began, pulling out a bright yellow box with cartoon beetles all over it. She took it from his offered hand, turning it over in her own so she could read the ingredients, "Turn the person into a small animal for a good few hours, like a cockroach, but they're untraceable unlike the spell that does the same." Ivy silenced herself, plotting in her mind. She could easily change the sweet, making it so the transformation never stops. Malfoy could live like a cockroach forever. It was the perfect plan, it couldn't be traced back to the Weasley's nor would anyone know she had anything to do with it."The ministry banned them, said they were too dangerous."

She raised a brow, "How much?"

"Twelve sickles and 14 knuts."

"I'll give you ten gallons if you keep this quiet, not even George can know," she whispered, pulling the coins from her pocket to wash away any scepticism he may have had about the exchange.



"What are you using it for? I'm curious," he asked lowly as he handed him the money, which he quickly put into one of the pockets of his suit. Suspicion practically flooded off of him.

"Teaching someone a lesson," she shrugged, again not technically lying. This lesson would just end in eternal torment and pain. This plan soothed away some of the blinding anger in her mind, she could see and think a little clearer now.

He nodded, thinking that the reason was a fairly good one.


The following day, Ivy sat in defence during an exam flicking her pencil against her leg. During that time, instead of actually doing the exam, she had come to the decision that it was not ideal to turn him into a cockroach for many reasons. One of those being that the slapdash decision was made out of anger, not forward-thinking. Another reason, the main one really, was that Malfoy was highly unlikely to eat something that she gave him. She still kept it though, hidden in her sock drawer, for a rainy day or another fury filled decision. "Ivy," Lupin, who had noticed her vacancy from the lesson that she usually enjoyed more than any other lesson, broke her train of thought as he sat down on a turned around chair opposite her. "What's going on?"

"Nothing Professor," she whispered back, placing her pencil onto the desk where her unmarked paper lay.

"You forget I have an excellent lie detector."

She sighed, rubbing her temple of the headache that had started to brew there, "I'm just... not dealing very well right now."

His eyes softened, not to that of pity but of teacherly concern, "Antony wise or just generally?"

She always liked that he didn't just assume things. Professor Lupin never made an assumption about anything in her life and he just listened. "Generally," she whispered back, looking across the room to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. Everyone seemed too distracted with their exams to care.

"You know my office is always open if you want to come in and have a cup of tea and talk, or not talk if that's what you prefer," he whispered back, taking her paper from underneath her elbows. He started to put the correct answers into the boxes, missing out on a few marks on the more difficult things so it would not be suspicious.

"Yeah I remember," she smiled softly, the frown returning seconds afterwards. He slid the sheet back over to her, face down. "Thank you," she whispered as he stood again, tapping his nose before he went to the front of the classroom again. 

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now