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Draco walked out of the hospital with his mother, as Ivy was spending time with Fin, and as soon as he stepped out of the door thousands and thousands of cameras and reporters all started screaming in his face. He was rather glad that she had agreed to his proposal of not walking out of the hospital with him, as he did not want her to be in any more of the papers than she needed to be. He didn't tell her that though.

When he eventually made it back home, the house just smelled. Not physically at all, he knew it was all in his head, but all he wanted to do was leave and never return. Never have to see the imprint his father had on his life nor the holes in the wall that he had caused on his rather dramatic way out while on the way to Azkaban. Most of all, he hated his bedroom. It seemed dark and had too many vague yet perfectly clear awful memories that he just wanted to leave forever. Honestly, he could not wait to get back to school. After school he could move out, he could move to a house that his father had no knowledge of and had never been to. That very idea held a little spark of joy for him, enough to keep going through the thousands of reporters that lingered at the gate to his house.

He was rather glad when Ivy texted him with the news that she had returned home after Fin's, meaning that he could escape the darkness of his own home and flourish in the light of hers.

When he got to her house, Ivy practically flew down the stairs to meet him in the most crushing hug that he had ever received in his entire life. Somehow, she knew that he needed that. After that, they just lounged about for the entire day. She asked him if he wanted to stay over, knowing that he most definitely did due to his body language when she asked him when he had to return home, and her parents were not against it in the slightest. In fact, her Maman actually hugged him and thanked him for everything that he had done to help. Maman was in a bit of a mess as of recent, which was expended really.

At two in the morning, neither could sleep, both Ivy and Draco lay in front of the tv in her room watching the ending credits of some movie that they had both been too distracted by talking to pay that much attention to. She had green plaid pj bottoms on and a baggy t-shirt, while he had borrowed some of Blaise's pyjama bottoms that somewhat matched what she was wearing. "We should celebrate, since we didn't get the opportunity to do so before," he suggested softly, while they were on the topic of all that had happened during the trial.

She remained silent, thinking deeply, "Ice cream?"

He laughed involuntarily, making the conscious effort to keep himself quiet in order to not disturb the sleeping population of the house even though they were many bedrooms away, "Of course, you would say that."

The two of them, after a second of relishing in the warmth of the bed for a little while longer, ran down the corridor that led to her bedroom. Then, once they reached the stairs, they both slowed to a silent walk as the stairs were awfully close to her parent's room. Once they had reached the bottom of the staircase, the running initiated again and did not cease until she flicked the light on in the kitchen.

"Cones or bowls?" she asked with her head in the cupboard while he dug in the freezer, looking for the ice cream. Then suddenly she poked her head out of the cupboard, grin on her lips, "Wait what about ice cream cookies?"

He raised a brow in intrigue, "Do you have cookies?"

She stuck her head back in the cupboard, a rustling of various packets and glass bottles followed.. "...No, but we could make some."

He shut the freezer, leaving the ice cream at the top for use later, then walked over to the cupboard where the mixing bowls and scales lived. She grinned and started pulling the various ingredients out of the cupboard, using spells to float them toward the counter in the middle of the room. Before she even tied the apron around her waist, not wanting to ruin her pyjamas, she flicked the radio in the room on and let the late-night songs fill the room.

The making of the cookies started off perfectly, with perfectly weighed out ingredients with minimal mess that they would have to clean up afterwards. Then, like every single book where people bake ever, it got a little messy. "The flour is supposed to go in the bowl, not all over the kitchen counter," she laughed, scoping the flour at the side of the bowl back into the mixture in the hopes it wouldn't ruin the proportions too awfully. They both laughed as he helped to scoop the flour up too, their hands bumping into each other more often than not. After the flour catastrophe had been cleaned and thoroughly mixed into the cookie dough, they shaped the dough into balls onto various trays.

He placed the trays in the oven while she sat on the counter, eating chocolate chips out of the near-empty bag that they had used for the cookies. She took a handful, tilted her head back then slowly dropped them all into her mouth with a very conscious effort not to drop any. "Can I have some of those?" he asked, laughing as his voice came out almost precautionary.

"Sure, open up," she laughed softly while digging in the bag for more chocolate. He sighed and then did so, letting her begin to throw chocolate into his mouth. He missed every single one, tiny patters of chocolate falling to the tile. "Come on, you're wasting good chocolate here!"

"It's your awful throws!"

"My throwing is perfect thank you very much," she countered, throwing a few more. Eventually, after what felt like a good twenty attempts, he caught one of the chocolates. They both laughed as she threw her hands up in the air, exclaiming, "Finally!" They both laughed celebratorily, Draco feeling such an odd surge of joy that he felt compelled to pick her up off the kitchen counter in a spinning hug. So he did so, eliciting such a laugh from her as the remaining chocolates in the bag clattered to the floor where all the others lay that he definitely knew that was the right choice.

Eventually, he carefully set her back down and thus began a soft sway to the music still playing from the radio, a sway which eventually developed into an informal waltz. Dancing had always been something that Ivy valued very highly. She never did it with anyone but Blaise, her father and brother - the people she truly cared about and would easily sacrifice a huge part of her life for. And now she stood, well swayed, with Draco Malfoy in a sort of dance that felt ever so comfortable and so right that she could not help but smile softly against his chest.

After the cookies had cooled, they constructed the ice cream sandwiches with the best vanilla ice cream ever made. They decided to eat outside, under the stars since the sky was clear, both of them sat close together underneath one of the happier looking trees in the garden. "To proving a murderer guilty," she smiled, one that he soon matched while they knocked their ice cream sandwiches together.

Once they had finished the celebratory meal, the two of them lay down in the grass with their gaze up to the stars. She lay with her head on his stomach, laying out in the same direction as his outstretched arm that lay against her side. He looked down at her, noticing the complete and utter focus she had while looking up into the sky and all the stars above.

He raised a brow, smirking softly, "Thought you didn't partake in astrology?"

"Fin's really into it at the minute, they showed me some of the constellations that I found pretty," she smiled, twirling the Slytherin signet ring on her finger around absentmindedly.

"Which ones?"

"Um..." she trailed off, pointing two constellations out to him. "I can't remember their names though."

He laughed softly before gesturing to one more consolation that was next to one of her favourites, "That's the one I'm named after."

"Pretty," she smiled, staring intently at the stars before turning her head toward him. She laughed jokingly as she continued, "You get a constellation and I get poison Ivy, so unfair."

"Rather fitting, don't you think? Given-"

"Hey! Low blow," she glanced at him, eyes full of minuscule hatred that soon left as her lips turned up into such a smile. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and they went back to stargazing, silently and being the other's only source of warmth during the rather cold summer's night.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now