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Ivy slumped down at the breakfast table early on a Tuesday morning, yawning as she lay her head against the cool plate in her place. The houses didn't really sit on their designated tables for anything other than evening meals or special occasions, breakfasts and lunches were sit anywhere you could find a seat really.

"Coffee?" Blaise laughed, already pouring it into the mug on the table in front of her.

"Have you got a bucket?" she asked, half murmuring into her arm as she felt her vision turn spotty with the need to sleep.

"Didn't sleep?" he asked with a laugh as she took the mug, adding ice cubes from the ice water next to her to cool it down. Iced coffee was just better, in any case. She drank hot teas but coffee always had to be iced, hot coffee just didn't taste as good.

"They," Ivy pointed a finger at Fin accusingly, trying to ignore their quiet laughter. "Decided to begin to snore last night."

"I can't help it, I'm ill," Fin replied, their voice slightly covered with the hoarseness of the sore throat that had plagued them for a few days. They sniffled before taking a sip from their water, that they had spiked with a soothing potion brewed by Ivy (with a separate cauldron to the one she brewed the poison in.)

"It if lasts any longer I might have to sleep in the common room," she sighed, rubbing her temple of the lack of sleep tightness that had made its appearance there.

Blaise looked up from his plate, pausing the buttering of his toast, "You could sleep on the-"

"No I'm not sleeping on the sofa in your room, no way," she quickly dismissed, sipping from the mug of now cold coffee, which Blaise had made to her exact likings. "Thank you though."

Blaise half smirked, "What because of Dr-"

"No, because you're in a room with five other guys and I wouldn't be comfortable," she quickly interrupted, rather appalled that he thought for a second that her world revolved around avoiding Malfoy. At that precise moment, it was pretty much the opposite, her life revolved around his death. Then she shrugged, "I'll just sleep through Muggle studies."

"Don't you normally do that anyway?" Fin asked quietly, before clearing their throat.

"I sit at the back, in a dark corner by a radiator... so yeah, constantly," she shrugged, gulping down some more of the caffeine to get her through the first few lessons of the day before she could take a mid-morning nap.

"It is a wonder you don't fail that class."

"I just get Antony to do it for me," she shrugged, the words falling from her mouth quicker than she could even think to stop them. It was a reflex at this point and there was no way in preventing it. But instead of being swept over with overwhelming sadness, she found herself chuckling. Half chuckling out of laughter at the absurdity of the situation and half chuckling so she did not cry right there in front of everyone.

Blaise and Fin looked at each other, then back at her, then back to each other. They both wondered what was going on and whether she was going through something they needed to intervene with "Ivy..."

"Stop looking at me like that Fin, please," she paused, getting a pancake from the plate in front of her. "Just move past the comment like it's normal."

Silence befell them, the confused looks from Blaise and Fin continued for a moment before Ivy started to rather violently try to chop her pancakes with a fork instead of the knife at the other side of the plate. It was another way to control the flared up sadness then anger that felt rather uncontrollable at that very moment. "I want a new tattoo," Fin blurted, having thought about it for a while but hadn't had a way to bring it up in conversation yet.

She raised a brow, glad for the topic change, "Oh yeah? What of?"

They shrugged, "I don't know yet, just something in that spare gap on my shoulder. Up for it?"

"Definitely," she smiled, looking forward to doing something that made them happy for once. Plus she just loved giving them tattoos. She thought about the last one for a moment, the one on their arm that matched the one that she gave to their brother, Cedric, just before he left the school. "I think you're out of ink though, after last time."

"When Blaise spilt it all?" Fin scowled, giving Blaise a death glare.

"It was on the floor by the door, not my fault," he defended calmly, though Ivy could see some sort of joking irritation in his eyes.

"You didn't have to open it so theatrically," she added with a slight chuckle, remembering how he had pretty much swung the door of its hinges just because he was so excited about Luna agreeing to go to Hogsmeade with him. It was sweet really, but Ivy did slip with the needle and definitely didn't leave a line where it wasn't supposed to be on Cedric's shoulder.

"I was in the moment," he shrugged, taking the final bite of his toast. Then, he looked directly behind Ivy's shoulder and beamed brightly, "Morning Ena."

"Morning, I do hope you slept well," Luna smiled softly. "Oh! I have something for you," she half exclaimed as she slipped into her seat next to Blaise. "It keeps the wrackspurts away, Dad sent me two in the post yesterday and I couldn't find you," she smiled, pulling out a necklace made from a black chain but with a little purple and green rock on it.

Blaise took the necklace with a grateful smile and put it on. "Thank you, love," he smiled at Luna, wrapping one arm around her.

They all ate together then, laughing when Blaise dropped his glass of water all over the table and collectively all scowling at Malfoy when he walked past and out of the hall, it was a tradition at that point. Ivy left ten minutes before breakfast was over and lesson began, needing to bottle her potion now before it spoiled. This particular poison had a very brief window for bottling, if it was left on the fire for much longer then it could have dire consequences and since she had made the poison up, the consequences were not exactly known.

She quickly walked down the corridor, watching the stone of the walls darken the closer that she got to the dungeons. That was another reason that she didn't typically like the house that she was put in, it was always so dark and drab. The only good thing was that she did look pretty good in green. Then her admiring of the walls ceased by someone walking straight into her, spilling a substance she quickly recognised to be coffee all down themselves with very little grace. She smiled victoriously when she saw the pale blonde hair of Malfoy, now this was the perfect way to start the day. "I like the new style, eccentric," she chuckled, watching beads of coffee drip onto the floor from his shirt and tie.

"Will you watch where you're going?" he half seethed, pulling the coffee-stained parts of the cloth off of his skin in a hopes it would help to stop the burning that lingered there.

"I was! You're the one who turned the corner while looking at the floor," she replied back with just about as much anger laced in her voice, though she managed to keep her composure through the entire thing unlike him. Then she smirked, "Were you looking for knuts?"

He immediately scowled at her, "You'll be looking for knuts before I will." Now normally Ivy wouldn't have nought up the money, there were far more important things to a person anyway, but oh how she loved to just watch him squirm.

She laughed loudly, head tilting back slightly as laughter formed from his absurdity tumbled from her lips, "In what world? Cadieux's have always been weather than the Malfoys, you know that."

"Well forgive me if being scorched by coffee is messing with my mind."

"Oh, you are so forgiven! Have an awful day Malfoy," she smiled, meaning every word, then turned to continue on her now hastened walk to her room. This little pause would have taken a significant amount of time off the life of her potion, well poison.  

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now