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"There's someone at the door for you," her father announced as he walked into the room, freshly shaven and clad in one of his favourite suits.

"I'm in my pyjamas," Ivy scowled, looking up from the book in her lap briefly before returning to the pages so she could finish the chapter.

As her father was about to make a reply about who it was and that she should change before going to meet them, Maman walked into the room with one of her favourite dresses on. Ivy smiled at the sight of the two of them dressed up, getting ready to celebrate their wedding anniversary in some restaurant that held a significant memory between the two of them. "Your Dad and I are going out, be good," she instructed while her husband wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. Ivy gagged mockingly, glueing her eyes to the book as the older Cadieux's laughed. "Let's not keep the guest waiting, mon Cheri."

"Jesus," she muttered, skim reading to the end of the chapter before she could even think about going into the foyer. Once Ivy had pulled a lightweight, silky robe over her short pyjamas she headed out toward the door. She stepped into the area and let her arms hang down by her side, brow furrowed in surprise. "Oh, hey?"

"I needed a break," he blurted, clearing his throat as he used every ounce of his remaining replenished energy to not look her up and down when she could clearly see it.

She rose a brow, wondering how bad things could have gotten in just a week of being at home. She knew it would be bad of course, and felt awful for him being in that house, but didn't quite gather the extent of how awful it was. How cold and unassuming until he got caught off guard. "Okay, well I was about to order food. Did you eat already?"

He looked to the tile underfoot as she made her way across the room, heading to go down the hallway that lead to the kitchen. He followed suit quickly, replying with a indistinct harshness to his tone that she did not brush over like he wished she would have, "Not anything decent, Mother's on a health craze because she thinks it'll make Lucius somewhat easier to handle if he's not on so much sugar."

She snorted, laughing at the sound as hatred for it rose within her stomach. She, upon entering the kitchen, walked directly over to the menu board in one of the corners and plucked a specific menu from the very top, standing on her toes to do so. "I'm ordering Chinese," she smiled, handing him the menu. She took her phone from her back pocket and walked over to the backdoor, opening the room to the limited summer breeze. She dialled the number without so much as looking at the menu, having it pinned down in her mind at this point."Hey, Al you gorgeous gorgeous human."

The line came scratchy, unclear in some places until the comforting voice echoed down the phone. A knowing tone reached her ears, matched with a rather deep sigh, "Ivy..."

"No I'm not just being nice to you for free chips, though they are incredible and I miss them dearly," she responded jokingly, laughing to herself once Alice laughed too.

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. I take it the usual?"

"Yes and..." she paused, handling the phone to her ear while she looked at him expectantly. He snapped out of some sort of deep thought while half staring at the menu and turned it over so he could see while pointing to what he wanted. "Forty-six and two of twenty."

"Company?" she sounded suddenly more intrigued by the goings-on on the other end of the phone, even fully dropping her pencil to listen to her better.

Ivy rolled her eyes, glancing over to Draco as he walked back over to the corkboard. "Uh-huh, extra speedy please?"

"As always and of course the free chips."

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now