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Snow began to patter on the roof of Hogwarts early in the morning and by noon, inches of glittering snow covered every single surface. So Ivy decided to take a walk in the cold, to admire the surroundings and get some things in her head sorted. She thought of the second plan. The second attempt to take Malfoy's life.

First, she would wait until the potions classroom had a supply teacher (Snape had been looking a little under the weather recently and could easily be taking sick.) Next, she would wait until he got bored in waiting for his potion to brew fully - she had noticed it took ten minutes at the most for him to lose interest in anything during lessons. Then she would simply walk by, quickly of course and slip the ground up root in the small tin of her sewn in skirt pocket (curtsy of Fin, who thought it was for hiding muggle painkillers) into his cauldron and watch as it exploded, killing him instantly. The root would only kill those in the near surroundings of the cauldron so no one else would be in danger, unless they were sitting on his lap or something.

It seemed like a near-perfect plan with very little that could go wrong, of all the factors happened to coincide at the perfect points. She could rely on Malfoy getting bored, just not Snape taking the day off. Even if that didn't happen, the root could still be used in other ways. For example, turned into a mist and sprayed in his direction. Or maybe sprayed onto his pillows so he died in his sleep. That wasn't suspicious at all, a natural death.

She stopped at the edge of the black lake, looking out onto the frozen surface as she sighed contently. Her breath froze in the air, mist surrounding her as if smoke flooded out from her lungs. The cold bit in her throat, making every breath a little difficult yet ever so thrilling. It woke her up yet claimed her down to a specific point of content that she hadn't been in for a long while. For once, she wasn't thinking of murder or revenge or even Antony.

Though the cold had started to get at her, raising bumps on her arms covered in only a thin Slytherin jumper. She had forgotten the hat but wore the scarf, just to keep herself somewhat warm in the biting weather. She hugged her arms to her body as a reflex, hoping it would keep some of the existing warmth in her system.

"Cold there?" Draco Malfoy, who had approached when her mind was far too distracted to even hear his footsteps, chuckled as he sat down in the snow next to her. She had been a little smarter than that, sitting on the bench instead of the snow at her feet. She liked having some sort of height advantage on him, different to how it usually was. Now she could look down at him with an appalled look or a furrowed brow. Like in third year, where she had been just about taller than him before he shot up.

"Evidently," she responded, hugging her arms a little closer to her body as she stared at the falling snow in front of the both of them. Ivy, with slightly shaking hands due to the cold, fished a cigarette from her pocket and lit it with a click of her fingers - for the warmth, more than the mind soothing tendency.

He sighed contently, watching light trying to peek through the heavy hanging clouds in the sky, "It's pretty isn't it, the snow."

She turned to him as she exhaled, looking into his eyes for any trace of blown-out pupils that would tell the truth about the single question that sawm in her mind, "What have you taken?"

"Nothing," he half laughed, running a hand through his hair. It seemed he had forgotten his gloves. "I'm just in a good mood for once." It was rare for her to see such content, almost smiling, look on his face.

She did not like it one bit. It made him look human and lessened her instant want to throw him into the freezing lake to drown him. Sadly, she knew he could swim.

"Something awful finally happen to your dad?" she joked, nervous laughter falling from her lips when he nodded. She felt somewhat relaxed, not constantly on edge or thinking of some way to bite back at him like usual. Maybe it was just the snow, or the nicotine. Possibly the plan to kill him was set in stone.

Murder to Malfoy - D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now