Doctor X Reader (P2)

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The first thing I realized upon waking up was the feeling of soft warm mattress and my body being bandaged. I was certain I was still under watchful eyes, but where, I couldn't quite tell.

It was still the Treatment Theatre. The smell of anesthetics always put me on the edge, but lately, it was calming. It was clearly because I had been sedated. For how long, was again hard for me to determine. I could feel the IV injected in my veins. I was glad I wasn't awake when it was injected. I hated needles. I was one of those adults who would whine and thrash around her arms like a madwoman because of her whimsical fear for needles.

Obviously I can take a hit from a chainsaw, but not a prick of a needle.

It was dark, but a study lamp was lit in the corner. A huge glass wall separated it. The place was somewhere I hadn't been, but the familiar scent was that of Lery's. It soon struck me hard, it was the other side of the office, but still farther. I was obviously lying on a patient's bed, which was clean, much to my relief. Moreover, I felt strange, realizing that even for a patient's bed, it was oddly very soft and comfy, like those airy mattresses I had back at home.

Overwhelmed by the nostalgia, I made a quick run towards the door, but the sharp pain that shot through my injuries made me stumble and fall back. The door immediately opened, and I was much surprised to see Sally levitate towards me.

"Mrs. Sally?" I asked, my voice coarse from all that scream-queen performance earlier.

"You were the last one I expected to be reckless from." She chided me, immediately putting my actions at halt in bed. Something about her gesture seemed urgent, and a little concerned.

"I am...ok. Thank you for the help."

"I know what happened was obviously out of your control. Herman can be stupid, I guess, if not anything else. I bet he meant it for a genuine reason. He is still a man of science deep down. But not the doctor you think."

"I understand," I was obviously bewildered, "I didn't come here by any intention of provoking him. Feng has the tendency to be reckless."

"Overconfident child." She corrected me, "it is fine so often letting the kids stray away from the path. They'll learn their lessons only then. You are harming only yourself."

"You are right, but I can't control my worries, you see."

"I know." She mumbled, looking down at my bandaged form.

It was only then when I realized I wasn't wearing my usual dress. I only had patient's uniform's pants, my torso was all dressed up in bandages.

"Is it that bad?" I asked. Sally only nodded. The worst pain was of that shard that impaled me in the thigh.

"Herman hates Feng." Sally cleared, "Most of us do. Just like Nea. They are taking their privileges for granted now. But what can we do now? It is probably supposed to be like this."

"Herman?" Doctor, I reminded myself, "By the way...I don't bring flashlights because of this reason."

"We know you well enough for that."

"Still..." I joked, slightly wincing in pain as I tried to move.

"He is quite upset having thrown you like that. You were bleeding too quickly he had to take quick actions. Turned out, your condition was worse than mere injuries."

"I can see." I admitted, "I hadn't been eating well even before I came here."

Sally didn't speak for the time being. She just looked at the bandages and went out. I rested for a while, when Sally returned with a pair of dress. It was mine, just clean and not battered. I don't know how that was possible, but then it was Entity's realm.

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