The Dark Lord X (OC) Reader X Alucard (P7)

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What is the first thing to come up in one's head when the technology fails you?


System Malfunction Detected

Haddie loved science fiction a lot. At days end she sat in her room to run through all those pages and believe, believe that someday when those written prophecies were to become truth, she would be the one to hold the torch in the dark tunnel and lead the lost travelers through the path, to the light. Flying saucers, glitching matrix, telephone booth becoming teleportation machines, and the skyscrapers towering over her as if it went through the skies, to the moon...yes, she had believed in them all.

And now, she regretted it.

Perhaps her beliefs were ridden with a dark fetish that had cursed the fate, so now she wandered through the lands, seeing grotesque faces appear before her. Imagination had never failed her so terribly, what bled in her world was not some wound but a dying body writhing away from her, screaming at het to not to tend to her unless she was courageous enough to face these walking, breathing, thinking nightmares.

She gritted her teeth, recalling the old cognitive technique to focus. One voice at a time, one vision.

The screens glitched horrendously, morphing into an abomination that bore no resemblance to the former view, providing her with an ominous foreshadowing of the upcoming event. Every screen glitched, then returned to the current happening, before convulsing like a seizure.

"I guess it's time to follow the curfew diligently." She mumbled incessantly, "Should've fucked right off when Tryks had showed up. Bad omen, as ever. Like who even thinks it to be a wise choice to enter a dilapidated tower or some shit when you've just gone past the ramblings of a madwoman who's obviously been through some shit? Hah! Never mind, we're about to join the same club in a few minutes."

A loud roar rumbled through the emptiness, forcing Haddie to pause in her action. A sharp cutting beam was shot at her, the blinding white streak of light felt deathly cold against her side as she glissaded through the upcoming flurry. It felt great not breaking a sweat as doing so, Haddie relished in the pride of her sharpening skills

A sickening smirk crept across her face, wondering how the Hidden God looked at her as she adorned her scars scattered all across her body. She had become a bane to its peace. Unable to let it sleep, nor letting it slip past her grasp.

She loved the feeling of the noose tucked under her thigh ever so tightly, how the cables curled around her curves with a lavish caress, especially beneath her breast and around her waist. Haddie was a plump child, the chubby meat never shedding its weight even in her adulthood. So it was a memorable moment when Liz had turn to her and patted her back, reminding her of the strength her body possessed, and how this skin wasn't easy to break. Those words had remained with her, thrilling her as much as breaking her heart, fearing how she would see her if she got to know how the same body reacted to her praises, or how she had touched herself, thinking it were her tender hands pleasuring her. She would be anything but soft and kind. Yui had held her once, comforting her, telling her to speak up.

"You know she won't leave you." She had told her. Haddie could see in her eyes, her strict facade breaking and telling of her sincerity.

"Sometimes, it is not so easy to believe. Even the tell-tale signs can lie." Haddie held her head low, ashamed as well as broken, "She has done a lot for me, I cannot just insult her with something she most likely won't accept." 

The rush of excitement, again, bewitched her, telling her that the Eldritch Beast was helpless against her. It could no longer dispose her off, considering the amount of power she wielded currently. Only at the expense of losing a part of its own, would she be facing her doom. But the hunger, the damned hunger that haunted it was enough to suffer in silent humiliation, that the greed to consume all had kept Haddie dancing on its phantom fingertips.

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