HUNK X (Asthmatic) Reader [P4]

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Ash had prohibited us from crossing the lines, but in the realm of Entity, the lines between rules and compulsions blurred quite easily. Or even worse...said lines never existed.

"Ay, Doll! Can ya get me that basket ova' 'ere?" She mused while putting the grilled fish aside, Min didn't need to be told twice. She was ravening as usual.

The celerity of her quick fleeting from one place to another was unmistakable. She was always joyous at the talk of food, and the grumbling within her tiny belly was the motivation behind her exquisite tics and feats. Most of the time, she would be found doing extraordinary things, and she was a little too willing to sprain, or possibly break a bone or two when leaping off the high railings for a memorable save.

Undoubtedly Huntress despised her.

"How lovely of you~" Kate thanked in her usual sing-song tone, "Now you sit down, Ay Bonnie! The fish's all prepped up, call 'em doofers!"

Meg was quick as her athletic legs, pulling everyone from every dark corner and gathering them up at the campfire.

"It's not everyday that I get seasoned fish." Ash perked up at the moth-watering aroma, he could eat it up from the air, the burnt-up crisp flesh of the fish roasted, "I guess I've been a good ol' boy."

Bill scoffed, "The ladies think otherwise, no?"

Kate raised a brow, shrugging uncertainly. Her giggled didn't go unnoticed as she hummed some other pleasant melody, getting the fishes ready onto the big wooden platter, courtesy of Chris and his proficiency with knives. The big beefy man was always a lovely sight to behold when he looked lovingly at his artwork, and how thankful the people were to his aid. For tad bit of that morbid moment, he looked a little too soft for his hulking size and crushing strength, especially when he grinned and the sides of his eyes wrinkled pleasantly, and an unmistakable dimple he shared with his equally bright sister.

"David better hurry up his soggy ass before the steaks are gone." Nea spoke in muffled voice, almost unintelligible words as her mouth was stuffed with outrageous amounts of partially chewed food, crumbs falling to her foot. "Nope, nope, nope, I ain't saying shit no more my foodie gets the best treatment."

"Screw that Eddie-Gluskin-Wannabe Bish! Where's my lovely (Y/N)?" Zarina called out, frankly looking around while dusting the log off to make room for herself.

If it wasn't for her keen eyes and inquisitive spirit, she would've just narrowly missed how brusquely Nea and Min stopped, swallowing the food they had barely chewed. It was a hard take, as they heaved a sigh after pushing the food down their throat. They loved the taste of that fried flesh of fish, they would savor it very much with the salt, the spice that burnt their throat now.

Apparently, Zari's eyes narrowed in burgeoning suspicion as she watched the two squirm under their showed, a little too stilled by the question. As her eyes flickered from them to others, she was quick to pick up that she wasn't the only one observing her. In her peripheral vision, she could see both Chris and Bill whispering something, leaning onto each other as they passed some hushed words.

"Nea." If it was something most of them despised, it was how stern Zari could sound, and how effectively, criminally intimidating it could be, "What's going on?"

"Hell, I guess." That voice crack, Min cringed under that harrowing, intensifying sight as all of them were now looking at Nea with demanding eyes, Min's presence falling into the radar.

"Min, at least you be serious?" Zari demanded, her voice sharper now. Shit was about to hit fan, Min knew that voice, and that she couldn't flee from her anytime soon. Her position didn't help either, she was literally swarmed by men twice her size, "I haven't seen her ever since the last trial. She hasn't left her room since, she wouldn't let anyone into the shack, I thought she was changing or something but it's too late. Now that I think about it...she refused to even answer the door last time."

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