The Shape X Reader (P4)

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He stayed true to the name assigned to him; The Boogeyman.

He was petrifying. His presence kept me on the edge, my guard constantly up, my nerves never at ease. The intensity grew with the proximity. It was hard to believe, but each time I went downstairs, walked into the corridors, looking for Kelly, each time when I passed by him, listening intently to my niece, I was compelled to believe that it was indeed true.

I was trapped in the same house as him.

It had been considerably a long time since Kelly had recovered. She was back to the same hyperactive kid causing nuisance all around the house. Always handful of things she found littered around the house, or maybe by poking his head through partly closed doors, she would show them all to me or Michael with beaming interest, and also explicate to him the various ways by which it could be used.

Apparently, she had found a tinkering music box, and while it was broken, she had pleaded me to fix it. I had always been fixing her broken toys, be it a mechanical music box, or her ripped plushies. Somehow, I had always managed to fix them. I always wondered if my knowledge of metal hinges and engines could apply upon tiny things, and it had, on several occasions.

Joyous she was, she ran up to Michael who was lounging in the living room, sprawled over the couch, when he calmly sat up and stared down at the music box with childlike curiosity.

Once, I had feared if he was going to break things up in front of her. She was constantly pulling stuff out of Laurie's room, which was luckily no longer in shambles as I had tried to clean some mess in order for her to freely roam around, without tripping over sharp objects.

Michael seemed to tense up, but as the music box tinkered and played Clair De Lune, which surprised me as well, his interest was once again piqued. It made me question whether he ever knew how it worked at first place. When Kelly offered it to him, Michael calmly took the box, and started winding it up again as Kelly had done. He kept on doing it again and again each time it stopped playing the music.

Kelly, obviously enjoying his curiosity, went on to tell him how I once bought her a music box of her liking, only for her to dissect it in order to see what was inside. She didn't know how screwdrivers worked, so she kept on roughly pulling the part apart, at one point even bashing its surface against the wooden table, only to cry at last because she had broken it to pieces, which couldn't be put together. However, she had learnt from it how Music Box worked, so it was a win-win for me.

Most of the time when Michael was around, Kelly would tell him exaggerated stories of her life, the other time, she would do something, or find something, which she would show me, and then to him. So far, Michael hadn't lost his composure. Forget that, he seemed least bothered by her presence. Either he tolerated her so well, or he was simply smitten by the presence of a naughty kid doing troublesome things around the house. As if he had never been around a kid before.

Whenever Kelly tried hanging upon the railing around the staircase, or do something stupidly aerobic, either I was around, or before me, Michael was standing right beside her, ready to pull her away, or simply catch her when she was about to fall.

Probably the most ludicrous stunt she had pulled so far was take the ripped off mattress from Laurie's room and make Michael sit behind her as they skied down the staircase.

Laurie wouldn't be so proud if I were to ever tell her this.

But what genuinely baffled me was how he was at peace in the presence of a child. He definitely didn't look like a murderous man about to go on a rampage. To think that this man had slaughtered multiple people back in our realm, was a serial killer who had barely ever been caught, had killed his own sister when he was a child, and showed least remorse when killing more and more...It was hard to decide what was going in his mind.

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