The Knight X Reader

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Requested by StrawbxrrySkullz ~


It ached my heart to see the mood of the people dulling with time. There were times when they were at their best, and now there was this moment when I couldn't find even the sliver of hope. As if it was lost in the mist. (Talk about the irony).

Nea, usually the loudest and upbeat, was sulking, snoozing in the corner. She was the quietest. Even a snide remark didn't get any reaction out of her. But then it was supposed to be an evolutionary trait, to adapt to the environment. A nerdy observation, but it adhered faithfully to the morbid concepts of Darwinism; the survival of the fittest.

After all, watching your fellow teammates get pulverized by the hefty hunters of the eldritch-dare-I-say spider god was to do a number on you, one or the other day.

Detty was lying close to me, soaking in the heat from the fire, the warmth which was soon to be siphoned off her in another trial. As tired as she was, she kept convincing herself that if it wasn't steel of which the allow of will was comprised of, then it was something better. Something harder. Something that wasn't meant to be seen but felt and learnt had to be of a greater kind, of arcane. And then, it could always be molded into something else; manipulated...into surrender.

She was kind, and easily coerced into things she was uneducated into. Detty wasn't mechanic by nature, I and Yui were. Nonetheless the empathetic botanist was always willing to lend a helping hand, and never looked down upon mundane matters. After all, you were all mortals in the end. could be as futile as it was devastating. And in a universe where transversal was limited to greater beings of forbidden knowledge, men were nothing but worms. Insignificant. The were to turn to dust one day, and even when dust couldn't be seen by their own naked eyes, then what were they in an endless world where windows opened at unsuspecting corners, thrusting them into a world never known to them, never known to their time?

The swarm of thick mist was gradually building up, gathering around the corners of the campfire. Bill heaved one heavy and exhausted sigh, causing Ashley to be on alert. He had been losing his hardened composure, but you couldn't think of much other than his ailing old age and his restless spirit. His strength was waning, and yet there was this spasm of mania within him, an urge to prove himself in those dire situations that this man was meant to die on his land, among his men, men he was snatched away from.

He coughed a little bit, clutching his chest, but instead of falling back, he stood up, ardently slinging onto Ashley's arm. There was fire left in his eyes, he was willing to go ahead. The mist engulfed us, with Detty clutching the cloth of my jacket tightly. It devoured us, Ashley, and lithely swept past Bill, merely caressing his form as it cloaked Ace who was conversing animatedly with Vittorio.

"Let the old man take a chill-pill!" He whined, tipping his cap. Guess the old fool up there had different plans.

We all ended up in the old murky town of red mist. I still didn't get to know the name of the place, but whatever the place was, it was unsettling, yet unwaveringly elegant at the same time. The old square, the old stony walls, the castle gates, and the wooden platforms...I couldn't quite put my finger on what lived up to its grace, but in a realm where all the fractions of time existed together, it was equivalent of the primitive beginnings confronting their avarice, their future, their greed, their lust for more. It was the melancholy and disdain of an old lost age looking dead in the eyes of an empty, hollowing future which was tormented by the beliefs of past, eaten alive by the emptiness, the need to overcome the dread, the queer sense of lethargy.

Ace was dusting his jacket off, looking around in utter disdain. Ashley was the same. None of the men were fond of the place. They had been around a lot, and were known to have faced the demon of that land. Detty had seen him, leaving only me. Her anxiety began to act upon her senses, she clutched harshly onto my sleeves, unwilling to step out of my shadow.

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