The Dark Lord X (OC) Reader X Alucard (P6)

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Requested by @KellBell93 and @hiandhelloandlove and @shadow_darkside_

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Research says that when even when the body has ceased from living, the essence doesn't exit it immediately. Consciousness lingers around, like a scent carried away by wind, taking in every corner and every memory that haunts that dark room where the corpse lays. Those are the final seconds you spend as that person, the name, the identity, the earnings...everything remains behind like a piece of heirloom that becomes the prize to be won by the legacy.

Haddie had always doubted it about it.

When she clung to the cables for her dear life, dangling into mid-air that reeked of nothingness, Haddie feared the truthfulness of that discovery. She didn't challenge it however. After all, what could she possibly do to overturn the verdict of a God?

She was scared, just like the day she first discovered the life on the other side. This side was just so close to her all the time, a thin veil separating her from the darkness. One day, she had decided, that she was going to trip and pierce through this curtain and fall into that world that called out to her so ardently. But she was her father's clever child, and she listened to him, the wise old man who always warned her of the dangers of the thrill of such risky adventures. So many times, she had encountered those eldritch horrors that roamed these shadowy realms, but she had fought them and warded off the evil from time to time.

The fear had never left her, though growing stale over time. Just like the thrumming of that tender heart when she had seen that ominous shadow climbing atop her as she slept, seeping through her mind coldly and encapsulating that little innocent voice of hers, there she was yet again. The heart tightened in her chest as she looked around, depths everywhere, unable to decide how deep the pit was, or if it was an abyss of nothingness or something else, something worse than the numbness.

Anything that was thrown in her direction, Haddie had marched ahead with her head held high. She had long ago embraced the cold inevitability that she was to be forever vulnerable, limited by her mortality as much as her moralities. Conceptualization of sentience had taught her that she couldn't entirely discard the teaching of her kind, and that even in the state of a strategic vessel, devoid of empathy, she would still be pulled back by the necessity of an escapade from that nihilistic torment, that a mind so addicted to experiencing would seize to exist, lurking around like a senseless corpse.

That was a sight Haddie would never bear to encounter, as so she had let go of that hold, letting the cables coil around her spine as she ventured deep into that seemingly bottomless pit.

And she had let it go on, and on, until she realized she wasn't falling. Floating adrift into that never ending darkness, the explorer felt a calming relief. the cables only tightened at certain corners, letting her know that she was still a prisoner, able to crawl as far as the chain would allow.

This was not death, she had realized. Even if its enigma could possibly never unravel, she knew that Death wasn't supposed to feel so thrilling. It was heavy here, compelling her to move in order to shift the weight off her. Hence, began an attempt to capture the farther regions and annex it.

Each time Haddie came to the borders, she pulled and pulled until the elasticity allowed, unless her spine wasn't getting ripped apart. Drifting farther from the beginning, she ventured deeper, the cold biting at her skin with each new territory she discovered. Fauna became stringent and venomous, ice glissading down the steep slopes as she teetered by the edges, finding only bottomless pit beneath. It was only until once she went past this freezing tunnel, did she realize the rush beneath her skin breaking through. She was melting underneath, sweat breaking over her forehead and slipping down her face, all over her body.

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