Gabriel Soma X Reader [P3]

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"I hate you."

"It's just fine, Nee-cap. Mommy loves me more, it's simple, I'm the best."

Min was quite enthusiastic about the impending match. Deathmatches were her favorite, she got to do her favorite thing-Looping for eternity, especially when gens weren't the real headache.

Apparently, in the moment, Min ardently hung closely onto my back like a monkey, enjoying the little piggyback ride. She was still snoozy, and I couldn't have two of the best loopers losing their stamina right off the bat. So I chose to give the little lady a piggyback ride, which she gladly accepted. A part of me kept teasing me that more than anything, she enjoyed what a little kid would, and Nea couldn't tolerate it.

It was her birthright to have everything that was good. And she had mommy-issues!

"Fuck you Min!"

"Ay-No cussing allowed for children." Ace flimsily adjusted his cap as he jogged to us, having ditched his sunglasses earlier.

"You done with the drip." Nea fumbled with her flashlight as she eyed the fancy man in his finest suit.

"Drip ain't gonna do shit in the dark when you're dead, so good for you." Min stuck her tongue out as she made faces at the man. Good for Ace's nerves, he only enjoyed the banter.

"Bunnies don't climb mama's backs. They hop around, so do your shit before calling me out for mine."

"See, Ace, I told you. She's being a pain in the back literally."

"Ya both jealous. Grow up!" Min continued, wrapping her arms around my neck clumsily. She was being very cuddly, and very joyous. Something about that confidence soothed me, as long as the team was in high spirits, hope could be seen as something practical.

More than anything, nerves needed to be calmed.

"Ya dun goofin' 'round, come 'ere." David smacked Ace's head playfully before dragging him ahead of me, minding for the space. Gabriel followed them, trying his best not to lose his footing. It almost seemed like he was trudging along with them, somewhat disdained, somewhat enthralled.

"Have you been into deathmatches before?" Min asked him, her eyes searching for the same signs. The man looked back in awed anticipation, a new word ringing in his ears, captivating him as much as the underlying subject of terror horrified him.

"That definitely doesn't sound anything good at all." He commented languorously, "things have been nearly the same. I don't think I've seen anything like this."

"Like?" I pressed, and he looked down briefly, refusing to look me in the eye. His behavior struck me as odd.

"There are six of us, usually there would be only four in a match." He pointed out, "What do you do in deathmatch? Is it the final one?"

"Nothing is final here, Soma." I stressed, catching him off guard with my subtle pronunciation of his name, which undoubtedly sounded intimidating to even me, "Nothing is final at all, here it takes up a different, more harrowing form. You thrive in this environment by dispensing pain and terror. The other side survives by evading them, or if they can, fight them."

"Look!" Dave joined in loudly, "The lady understands that we need to throw hands with 'em now."

"Literally be throwing them away like anything." Nea remarked rather sarcastically, scoffing at his accent condescendingly.

"Ah Bugger!" He grunted in response and walked off, "I gotcha' back, Lovely!" As usual, he casted that charming grin at me, winking and jogging off into the fog thickening in the distance.

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