The Mastermind X Reader (P4)

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Chris was doing better lately, even though the recovery hadn't completed. He was no longer running on high fever, yet he was still delirious. A little weak and exhausted. He would occasionally walk around, help others by picking heavier things, and usually would carry passed out survivors to their respective shacks. Other than that, he hadn't been in trials lately, which helped him a lot in recovering faster than ever. He got more rest and less stress.

Which also meant he got more time to sit around with people and talk to them.

And interview me, specifically.

Lately, Leon and Jake had to be pardoned from work. They had worked their ass off and we had decided they deserved an uninterrupted sleep, until Entity decided to bust it off for good for them.

So while they slept, I and Claudette had made plans to run errands for the squad and go gather serum and other commodities. Claudette had managed to specifically separate certain berries and fruits from the woods that proved to be edible. We had just gathered up the essentials when Chris joined us.

I tensed up at his sudden appearance. He looked healthier, but still his droopy eyes failed to conceal his urge to sleep a little more. The color had returned to his skin. And he looked considerably calm. Calmer than ever.

He was definitely not inquisitive, yet the furtive incomprehensible glances he threw at me said something else.

"You shouldn't bother yourself yet. I don't want you to run on fever again. God forbids it happens again, you have been saved just at the moment you were about to give up." Claudette reassured, "It was hard, really hard to not look at you, and it was harder to look at you bearing all that pain and misery by yourself."

"I appreciate your concern for me. I do, but I just want to be helpful. More than that, I am tired of sleeping and lying around like that. I am not used to being lethargic." He said, patting her affectionately on her head, a wholesome gesture coming from a rather grim entity, "Moreover, I need to prepare myself for...another trial."


"Besides," He said, pointing at my thickly bandaged ankle, "She too isn't in right shape. All the burden by yourself, I hardly doubt you are not exhausted by all of this."

I bit my tongue, a little embarrassed, throwing a helpless glance at Claudette who was fighting back the urge to giggle. My past trials were unfortunate. Even though I didn't see Wesker for some time, trouble was trouble, and my ankle was badly sprained.

"That's understandable." Claudette perked up, cheeks dusted pink, shyly moving ahead, "Tag along." I wouldn't blame her, for women, Chris was a sight to behold.

"There goes my big chunky boulder man." Bill called out, "Take care of the lasses fer me. The ol' man's goin' for 'nother nap." He yawned and flopped right next to the partly burnt log, nearby loudly snoring dead asleep Ash. I couldn't help my giggle, Bill was excellent in assigning ludicrous nicknames, and this one ticked Chris badly.

"Really, old man." he grunted, "After you." he gestured to me, as I limped after Claudette, Chris following us closely.

It wasn't a long process to gather the necessary items, but I was quite drawn towards the brightly lit freshly bloomed plants. The flora of this realm was undeniably breathtaking, as worrisome the ambience was. I hadn't seen the fauna yet, and a part of me just never wanted to face it either. There were many deadly plants out there already.

As Claudette gathered other needed items from the wood, Chris sat beside me, examining the vials.

"Is it true you consumed them?" Chris asked me, pointing at the vials, while trying to smell it, "It smells strange. I expected from it to be...disgusting, honestly. You can assume I guess, ouroboros smells like shit already. Even the dead smells better."

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