HUNK X (Asthmatic) Reader [P6]

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"I shouldn't be saying this, not right now, but-Y'know what? Fuck it!" Nea stood up immediately and lunged at me across the campfire, wrapping her arms around me like a pup refusing to leave her mother, "I'm so proud of you for kicking that sorry excuse of a masked-murderer's ass."

"That is military ass-set by the way, if you ask me." Min joined in with her equally amusing poker face.

"I'm surprised you managed to land hits on him." Claire mused, taking steaks out of the burning log's mouth, "Makes sense to me, I've never seen you as a kickass lady."

"I don't know how I did that, I'm surprised myself." I was curled up in a ball, trying to take as much heat from the fire as I could. The smell of the fresh hot meal was appetizing, the memory however wasn't.

I wasn't entirely put down by the fight. No matter how many times I tried to rethink and re-establish the scenarios following my fiery encounter with HUNK, I couldn't help myself but be rejoiced by the discovery that there was fight in me that could put most of those hunters in their rightful places. HUNK was no amateur, nor was I. He was way above that rank, I was far below in the abyss. Somehow, I had read him, and I had deduced those moves correctly. If I could take him by surprise, lest defeat him in any possible manner, then I could take inexperienced hunters down and buy the team some times.

My head was brewing up all kinds of plans, and it was to evident on my silly, comprehensible face that Chris caught up onto my clumsiness faster than expected.

"Do not even think about it!" He rebuked me, poking his burly beefy fingers into my side enough to make me shoot up from my position, "If you gotta swim through the stream, better not have beef with bigger fishes."

"I didn't choose to do so, they like poking their noses in people's affairs. I can however try my luck if they tryna poke me a little more hardly."

"Just stay away from dirty mess, that's all I'm saying. You got lotta eyes on you by now." He mumbled, somewhat uncertain of what he said.

He had been unsettled ever since Claire informed him of HUNK being joined by his apprentice VECTOR. I was sure I didn't like the lad in the slightest, his cocky attitude and hubris coupled with his penchant for sadistic hunting was enough to turn my hopes off.

"M'gunna punch'em right in the nuts for that!" David slurred through his groggy, half-snoozing state as he joined us for the meal.

"How very Kingly of you." If you get it, you get.

David turned to look at me sitting by the log, and did that rascal flash me a cheeky grin with that upturned mustache. If anything, it looked awkwardly hilarious.

"Lil' missy be lookin' fine." He chuckled, patting my shoulders a little too firmly, "'twas but a compliment, ah-bugger! Forgot that cha don't like it that often. Get used to it."

I made a face at him, not too ugly but just faint enough to give him a hint that I was fine with a good word or two frequently. We hadn't been pulled into a trial for some time, and this little time seemed to be extended to a little too much. There was a sense of ease at the campfire in the lingering delay, and as much as it brought some ease to the routine, it was burdensome to brewing anxiety.

Something big was approaching.

Since it had been quiet and uneventful for some time, Kate had decided to go lax for once. She had pulled up dirty laundry and most of us had joined hands into cleaning grubby clothes up while the other, miserable half had decided to stay back at campfire and pull up the drying laundry racks. Most of them lacked it, so Bill had volunteered to gather the timber and construct it. His carpentry skills were admirable, and had retained most of the muscle memory throughout the ages as he quickly nailed a few edges here and there, and by the time we had returned to the campfire with baskets brimming with wet clothes, they had put up these seven massive lines of laundry racks behind the shacks.

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