Trickster X (Mute) Reader (P1)

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Requested by LuaKitsune :)


My head felt quite heavy, or if it was lightheadedness, I couldn't decide. Either way, it just didn't feel right. It didn't feel normal.

One moment, I was trying to sleep peacefully at the campfire, hoping for a beautiful dream, a peaceful journey through some scenic landscape, and the next moment, I was into a dreadful, abandoned place, like an iron-mill, or something close. The whole place felt alive, I felt watched, I felt haunted.

I wanted to throw up one moment, sickened by the realization that it was not the same, that the nightmare was real, and the next moment, I felt grateful that I was not alone. It didn't matter if people were distrustful of each other and didn't wish to spare a single moment listening to someone's woes.

I was fine as long as I was not the only one. They wouldn't have to be bothered by my persistent mourning or gibberish talk.

The latter was just...impossible.


"Oi, (Y/N)!" Yui called out to me, being careful as she hid behind the wall, gesturing me to join her. It was Yamaoaka Estate, and Yui simply liked being in the place which reminded her of her homeland. As expected, it had brought some elation to her otherwise dampened spirit.

I didn't waste time to help her with the generator. She was quite a strong person, and I was glad that she was a caring creature. Most of the time, it was either her or Tapp who came to deliberate rescue of others.

What could be better than knowing that they were always telling you how you were getting better each day while they were least bothered by the silence that surrounded you?

Not even a compliment, or a greeting?

That was the kind of person I was.

"Here," She said, handing me a wrench, "It will help you get it done quicker."

I was quite quick in getting the gens completed. I couldn't decide how I was better at such things. I had always wondered that the tricks of mechanics and its pertaining knowledge extended only to cars and motorbikes. Yet somehow, fixing generators seemed easy to me, and quite interesting.

I was done halfway, when Yui grabbed me roughly by the arm, running away from the gen. I was startled, but didn't ask her the reason. She was always cautious, and I took the gesture as a state of emergency.

We hid behind the partly demolished wall, while she went out scouting for the area. In a little while, she returned, a little baffled, as well as shaken.

"Listen here," She said to me, a little bit grim, "You gotta be on high alert. Things have gotten really complicated."

I only shrugged my shoulders. She was uncertain about my condition, and that's when I realized she was trying to assess my situation.

I sighed, and pulled out the only thing that was of any help. And that pained me emotionally the most.

I scribbled quickly on the notepad, 'I know we are supposed to do this, but then why are you fretting over it this time? You saw something?'

"It's him. It's finally him." She said, pointing towards a certain direction, "We are finally in a round with the Trickster. Yunnie is running around, distracting him. You just...don't get distracted."

'Why?' I scribbled, 'something wrong out there?'

"He's a distraction for most. I don't know how to explain this. I need to help her out in case she gets in trouble. You and David just pressure gens."

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