Trapper X (Mute) Reader (P3)

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You were certain that Evan was going to be mad. What he would do next was questionable, but not avoidable. But still, would it make any sense? To you, especially, when you had decided to do what you knew wouldn't work at all?

Yes, there you were, outside the house, looking at the window, knowing well where Evan was dead asleep.

This is my last time, You reminded yourself. I will give it my all, no matter what.

And with that, you carefully ventured into the woods, never looking back once, gratefully thanking your luck as you invited the chilling darkness to embrace you. It was the freedom you craved for. Even in the realm you felt like an unwilling guest, you were happy to have made it so far.

Somehow, the door was not locked, and you chose to accept the welcoming omen.

You were going to make it to the campfire.

You knew.


Sorry Evan.


Evan was furious, but that seemed like an understatement. He was more than furious, he was something else. He was someone else at that moment. He wasn't used to waking up alone in the bed. He wasn't used to sleeping alone by then. That empty bed startled and infuriated him. He was used to having her head laying over his chest, listening to his heart. He was used to sleep with her form curled up against him, that tiny little frame craving for warmth.

He would see her, he would talk to her, even if there came no reply in turn, at least not in words. He had given her a diary in which she wrote most of the time, telling him what she cooked, or what she did to the trap, or how she used to care for pets back when she was at her home. Other times...she took her anger out on him by telling him how those walls were a prison cell...and that she wanted him gone.

Still he felt nothing bad. He understood her anger. And yet he wanted her there, with him. He had someone living with him under that cursed roof. He had someone breathing beside him when he slept, someone who was, despite unwilling, or not, comforting him when he had nightmares.

She never spoke, she couldn't. He knew. Yet he knew, she listened to him. She might not want to, but she understood him. She had a conscience to do so. It was a person, with her own will. A person with a conscious of her own.

Something humane...that made him feel the human he once used to be.

And she was gone.

She ran away.


She ran away!

He wasn't allowing that to happen again. He would not! He had spent enough time alone, mistreated, misunderstood, bossed around. He needed back that one thing in his life that let him feel anything humane at all. He had lost himself, to everyone, and everything. That one thing he could claim, was slowly getting away from him.

He didnt want her to fear him, hate him like that. But even if that couldnt change, all he wanted was to have her. That was the closest relationship he knew he had had in a long time. The last was his father, who he felt disconnected with. The only that existed after him, was someone he was finally understanding.

He didn't want her to not want him.

She was, he told himself, snatched away from him.

That woman...

I want her back...


I want her back.

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