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𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎: louis balletti & trey parker.

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You walk through the streets of Manhattan, having just left the mayor's building-which you know to be your father's building. You walk in the direction of The World, the newspaper giant that, in one way or another, runs New York. You decide to buy a paper, so you grab a $20 gold coin from your handpurse.

Of course, you know that a paper only costs a penny, but you love to help the kids that work. You look around until you find a newsie selling, and you approach him. "Baby born with two heads, straight from Brooklyn!" he shouts. You come up behind him and gently tap his shoulder, causing him to turn to you. "Would you like to-" his sentence is interrupted as he looks at you.

"Oh!" he removes his hat, "excuse my manners, Miss Van Wyck!" he says. A small smile graces your face as you gently lay your hand on his forearm. "You don't have to apologize," you say, your voice soft, "and please, call me Luna." He nods, his ears slightly red from embarrassment. "Louis Balletti, but my name is Blink," he says, pointing to his eyepatch over his left eye. A giggle escapes from your lips, which makes him smile.

"To answer your question, by the way, yes, I would like a paper," you say, handing him the golden coin. "Miss Luna, the paper's only a penny.. you're handing me a $20 coin!" he exclaims, looking at it in fascination. "Keep it, Mr. Balletti," you respond, "now please, do tell about this birth of the baby with two heads!" You link your arm in his, only a small distance lying between your shoulders.

Blink leads you on a walk, his shoulder gently bumping yours every once in a while. Once he accidentally bumps into you a bit hard, you bump him right back. He looks at you, afraid you might be upset; but he's met with a grin on your face instead. He visibly relaxes, bumping into you once more. You slightly lose your balance, and Blink's hands immediately fly to your waist to steady you.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his eye filled with concern. "I'm alright," you say, your hands finding their way to his biceps. His thumbs trace gentle patterns on your hipbones, sending shivers down your spine. You blush, suddenly aware of how close you were.

The two of you continue your walk for some time, the two of you getting to know each other and making small talk about what life is like as a newsie, and as the mayor's daughter. What feels like only a few moments later, the two of you decide to depart.

"Um... thank you, Mr. Balletti, for today," you say. "My pleasure, Luna," he whispers, giving you a warm smile before he turns away from you.

He starts walking away, turning back around to wave goodbyes. Your smile turns into a frown when he starts walking faster, not wanting him to leave. "Mr. Balletti, wait!" you call out, and he turns around. He jogs back over to you, his eye filled with worry. "Yes? Are you okay, Miss Luna?" he asks. "Yes, I'm quite alright.. I was just wondering if you'd walk home with me," you mumble. His eye meets yours, "I'd be delighted to."

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