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𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: leo_wifeyy oldiebabie milk_is_great1167

Y/N never expected to be in a relationship - especially not in a fake one. But when a guy creeped up on her, Kid Blink just had to sweep her off of her feet and become her boyfriend.. her fake one, that is.


You walk through the streets of Manhattan, shivering against the cold. You hold your arms against yourself, braving the chill running down your spine as you continue walking. 'When did it get this cold?' you think to yourself, but that thought is erupted when a whistle sounds. You look around, allowing your eyes to come to rest on an older man under a streetlight.

"Hello there, beautiful," he bellows, walking crookedly toward you. You inch away from him, trying to ignore his advances. He continues to stagger toward you, reaching forward to grip onto your arm. You yelp, trying to fight out of his grip; but it's no use. He starts to pull you into an alleyway, but you're too determined to allow it. You keep trying to pull away from him, when suddenly, a thud sounds, followed by your arm becoming free.

Your gaze falls onto another figure, one that's now standing above the older man. "Do not, and I mean, DO NOT touch my girlfriend again," he says, anger clear in his tone. The older man only groans, passing out on the floor. The boy, who looks to be your age, turns to you. "Are you okay?" he asks. You nod, walking closer to him. "Thank you for your help.. um.." "Blink, Kid Blink," he says, giving you a small smile. "Y/N L/N."

Blink walks alongside you as you continue your way home. "So, Y/N, I have a proposition for you," he starts, stopping your movement. You turn toward him, a confused look laced onto your face. "Why don't we be in a.. a fake relationship? I provide you safety from creeps, and you just... stay here with me when I need you most." You think for a moment, questioning if you should do this - you don't even know him, after all.

"You know what.. why not?" you say, causing him to grin at you. In a blur of motion, he spins you around in his arms, embracing you at the same time. You laugh all the while, wrapping your arms gently around his neck. "I'll take care of you, Y/N, I swear that. All I ask is that you return the same," he whispers. "Don't worry, Blink, I'll always be there to care for you," you respond, slightly tightening your hold on him.

"I know this might be crazy," you start, causing him to lean back and look at you, "but why don't you just stay the night at my place?" you offer. He manages to let his gaze drift for a moment, telling you that he's thinking about it. Should he do it? I mean, he doesn't know you after all. "You know what.. why not?" he speaks up, unintentionally repeating one of your previous comments. You chuckle, resting your head against his shoulder.

"Alright then, let's go, 'darling,'" you say. "As you wish, 'my dear,'" he responds, and the two of you laugh together. Maybe this fake relationship won't be so bad at all.. or will it?

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