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𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎: myfroggorights

For seventeen years, all Jack Kelly was used to seeing were the same things; the lodging house, his selling spot, and the newsies, his brothers. He always dreamed of Santa Fe, but never knew he'd actually get to see it.

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You get off the train into New York City for the first time. You've just arrived from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the first thing you see; is a group of boys selling newspapers. You decide to approach them, curious as to what the headlines might be in New York.

You approach a boy about your age, with brown, curly hair and blue eyes. He turns toward you, having heard your footsteps, and he looks at you. "Hello, miss! Would you like a paper?" he asks. "Sure! How much are they?" "Penny a paper."

You reach into your handpurse, and pull out a dime instead. "Here," you hand it to him, "and keep the change!" He gives you a grin as he hands you the paper. You happily take it and scan the headlines. "How many papers do you sell? These aren't good headlines," you mumble.

"Something I've learned in being a newsie, is that headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes," he says. You chuckle in response, "I like that. I'm Y/N L/N, by the way." "David Jacobs, but call me Davey. I can't help but notice you have a slight accent; where are you from?"

"This town in New Mexico called Santa Fe," you respond, smiling. His gaze suddenly fills with wonder, "Santa Fe? My best friend, Jack, has always wanted to leave here to go there," Davey mumbles.

"Has he? It's pretty great there, and if he doesn't leave here permanently, I definitely think he should visit," you say. "Why don't I introduce you to him, and you can tell him all about Santa Fe?" Davey offers, looking at you. "I think I'd actually like that," you say.

A week or so later, Davey shows up at your apartment. "I've finally convinced Jack to meet you," he says. "Where would he like to meet up?" you ask, stepping out of your apartment. "At our favorite restaurant," he replies.

A few moments later, you and Davey walk to a restaurant called Tibby's. He leads you to a table at the back, where a boy with long brown hair is seated. "Y/N, this is Jack. Jack, this is Y/N," Davey says, and the two of you sit down; you beside Jack, and Davey across from the two of you. "It's nice to finally meet you, Jack," you remark.

"It's nice ta meet ya too, Y/N," Jack responds, giving you a small smile. You smile back at him, your eyes locking onto his during a small moment of silence. Davey speaks up, "so, Y/N, what was it like in Santa Fe?" Your eyes light up as you look at Davey.

"Santa Fe was amazing! The streets were lined with trees, and the sky was so beautiful! There's nothing quite like it," you gush. "And the ranches! Everyone, and I mean everyone, had horses and cattle!" you continue.

You look over at Jack, whose eyes are filled with wonder as he looks at you. Suddenly, you're at a loss for words as your eyes meet his own. Davey notices this, and a sly grin appears on his face. "Would you look at the time, I've gotta go," he says. He gets up and he walks off, leaving you alone with Jack.

The rest of the time at Tibby's is spent with you talking about New Mexico, and Jack admiring you and every word you say. Later that night, he decides to stop by the Jacobs' residence to talk to Davey about everything he learned.

"You know, Davey, I think I'll be just fine right here. I don't wanna go to Santa Fe, Santa Fe was brought to me."

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