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Blink and Y/N have been 'together' for six months now. Blink was Y/N's protector, Y/N was Blink's supporter. What are they supposed to do when real feelings get involved?


You and Blink are on a picnic date together in Central Park. The sun is starting to set, giving the city you've grown to love an orange aura. "Y/N, before me.. did you ever date anyone?" Blink asks, looking down at where your head rests on his lap. "Yeah.. I had a boyfriend two years ago, before he moved to New Jersey," you reply.

Blink hums, staring off at the sky. His fingers are absentmindly running through your hair, making your stomach turn... in a good way. You glance up at him and take a good look at his face... the way his lips curve into a soft smile, the slight crinkle next to his eyes.. and dear God, those eyes.. well, eye. It's the most beautiful shade of blue you've ever seen; it's like seeing the ocean and the sky collide.

Your breath catches in your throat when Blink's hand comes to rest on your face. You look into his eye, only to find he's staring at you. "Did you like what you see?" he says, chuckling. You avert your gaze away, catching the eye of another man. Blink looks over at him as well, returning his gaze to you seconds later. "Y/N/N, do you trust me?" he said, looking into your eyes. "Always," you respond, looking right back into his. That's when he does it; the one thing you've been waiting on.

Blink's lips are on yours, gentle and sweet. His hands go to cup either side of your face, holding onto you like his life depended on it. After what feels like eternity and no time at all, he pulls away. "God, I've waited six months to do that," Blink whispers, bringing his forehead to rest on yours. "And I've waited six months for you to finally make a move," you respond. Blink only laughs, holding you close to his body.

"You know," he starts, pulling you onto his lap, "legend says, that after a certain amount of time - it becomes true love, and not just a crush. They say that birds start to sing a sweeter tune, and the sun seems to shine brighter. They say the world seems to be more beautiful, with more colour.. every time I think of you, that's exactly what happens. I don't just like you, Y/N, my darling - I love you." By the time Blink finishes, tears have managed to run down your face.

"I love you how Juliet loved Romeo.. just without the death," you say, letting out a watery laugh. Blink laughs as well, tightening his embrace around you. His heart beats against your chest, falling into a melodious synchronisation with your heartbeat. "Then maybe the stars told us our fate," he finally responds, pressing his lips to the temple of your head. "Maybe so."

𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴.Where stories live. Discover now