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Oscar Delancey was never well liked by any of the newsies, and he didn't exactly like them either. He would always tease them, and fight with Jack. However, one never failed to stand out to him. Y/N Balletti, the younger sister of Kid Blink.

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"Wake up, Y/N," someone states beside you; their tone is firm, but their volume is soft. You let out a small groan, but you open your eyes regardless. You become face to face with your older brother, Blink. You sit up, and Blink helps you up.

You give him a grateful smile, and he kisses the top of your head in return. The two of you make your way to the bathroom, where you wash up and brush your teeth. Blink splashes a bit of water onto your face, and you do the same right back. "Idiot," you mumble. "Shut up."

The two of you laugh together, and go your separate ways to get dressed. A few minutes later, you walk out to find a few of the boys waiting on you. "There you are, Y/N! Let's go!" Bumlets says, grabbing his stick and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You wrap yours around his torso, and the two of you head to the distribution circle together.

Once there, the two of you get in line together. He moves his arm for a moment, only to take his hat and place it on your head instead. You grin up at him, leaning your head onto his shoulder. Blink comes up behind you, giving you a gentle push as he gets closer.

"Hey! Don't touch her," a voice says, causing your head to turn toward where it came from. You lock eyes with none other than Oscar Delancey, whose gaze is surprisingly soft as he looks back at you. "He's my brother, Delancey. We do that all the time," you say, stepping up to the window.

"Oh, sorry," he states in a sarcastic tone, but his gaze is genuine. "It's fine," you reply. "How many do you want today, Y/N?" he asks. "Fifty," you state, and toss him a quarter. He hands you the papers, and he gives you a small smile as you walk off.

You and Bumlets go to your usual selling spot at City Hall Park, where you sit down together. "Y/N," he starts, "I know you've been wanting to try for dating someone for a while, but I didn't expect it to be a Delancey," he says. "What? I'm not with either of the Delanceys," you respond, gently shoving his shoulder.

"Alright, alright, I believe you. But if you do get with one of them, and they hurt you, you tell me and I'll soak them," he warns, causing you to snort.

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Later that night, back at the lodge, you and Blink are in a heated argument in the bathroom. "Sometimes I wish you weren't even my sister!" he shouts, before storming out of the bathroom. Your gaze immediately falls to the ground, tears clouding your vision as you walk out of the bathroom.

You go downstairs, ignoring everyone's words of concern, and you walk outside. You walk for a while, letting silent sobs out, before walking into a hard chest. "Hey, watch it- Y/N?" You look up, tears running down your face as you meet the concerned gaze of Oscar. "P-please, Oscar.. not now.."

"Y/N.. I would never," he whispers. You look up at him, and even more tears stream down your face. He opens his arms up, and you essentially crash against his body. He wraps his arms around you, which you quickly reciprocate as you let out another sob into his chest.

He brings one hand up to stroke your hair, whispering soothing words into your ear. Slowly, you manage to calm down, and you take a huge breath. "You smell like paper and wood.." you whisper, and he chuckles softly. "I was writing.. I went to Central Park and just sat by a tree for a while with Morris."

You look up at the sky, then back to him. "Do you mind if I stay the night at the circle? It'll only be for one night, I'll explain everything when we get there," you say. "Of course, Y/N. You can take my bed," he offers. You give him a small smile, and the two of you head to the circle.

You both go inside, and you look around in wonder. "Whoa, I don't guess I've ever been in here," you murmur, afraid Morris and Weasel might hear you. "Yeah, it looks better when you're on the inside.. Also, don't worry about my brother and uncle, they're not here," he says, and you relax a little.

The two of you go up to his room, and your senses are immediately filled with the smell of citrus. "What a sweet smell," you say, taking a deep breath. "That, mixed with your scent? Heaven." He lets out a laugh, which makes you smile. "Glad you like them," he replies, and the two of you sit on his bed together.

You look at him, and remove his hat. He looks down at you, watching as you place it on his bedside table. You both smile at each other, then he stands up and walks to his closet. "Here," he murmurs, walking over to you and handing one of his shirts. "You're gonna be uncomfortable if you wear that all night," he glances at your dress.

You give him a grateful smile, and he leaves the room so you can change. Once you do so, you let him know he can come back in. He looks at you, and a soft smile appears on his face. "You look beautiful, as always," he says, and you feel your face start to heat up. "Thank you, Oscar.." you whisper.

You lay in his bed, and invite him to lay with you. "Are you sure? I don't mind sleeping on the floor, or in another room, I-" you cut him off by pulling him forward. You smile, and he gives in. He removes his shirt, then his undershirt, leaving his torso bare.

He slips into bed beside you, and pulls one side of the blanket over his body. You look at him for a moment, and he returns your gaze. He gives you a small nod, as though he knew what you were wanting to say. You smile fondly, then scoot closer to him.

You rest your head on his chest, and that's when you decide to tell him everything that happened. "...and Blink said he wished I was never his sister," you trail off, your voice breaking. By this point, Oscar is holding you on top of him, stroking your hair as you go in and out of crying.

"He's an asshole.. he doesn't deserve you as a sister," he murmurs. You chuckle a little, moving your head so you can look at him. "At least you're here.. thank you, Oscar.." you mumble, looking into his eyes. He looks at you, his eyes asking for something.

The two of you slowly start leaning in, until you feel his warm lips connect to yours. You immediately kiss back, your hand holding the nape of his neck to support his head. The kiss is delicate, and definitely not what you'd expect from a Delancey; but it's comforting.

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The next morning, you wake up still wrapped in Oscar's arms. You look up at him to find him also awake, and he smiles fondly. "Good morning, Y/N/N," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Morning, Oscar," you reply, sitting up with him. The two of you get up and get ready, going into the main area of the circle's office after.

"Morning, Oscar, Y/N," Morris says. "Morning.." you murmur, giving Oscar a confused look. "He and Uncle W came into our room earlier to see why I wasn't up, and saw you with me, so they just left us alone," he explains. You nod in understanding, and go up to the window.

You see the newsies start to walk up, and your eyes lock onto Blink's. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing with them?!" he asks, his voice raised. "I'm with people who actually treat me right," you snap back, looking up at Oscar. He gives you a soft smile, wrapping an arm around your waist.

Bumlets looks at you, and he smiles. "Congrats, Y/N. But mark my words, Oscar, if I catch word that you hurt her, you'll be spitting blood," he warns. Oscar chuckles, "I got it, but I don't plan to ever hurt such an angel like Y/N. I cherish her too much to do that."

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