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𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 leo_wifeyy

Y/N has always dreamed of becoming a mother one day. She didn't know who she'd one day be the mother to, and she definitely didn't know who the father would be. Little did she know, only in her teenage years, she would become a parent with her best friend.


"Mama.. mama, wake up!" a small voice says, causing you to turn toward it. "Yes, Tumbler, what is it?" you mumble, slightly opening your eyes. "Dad wants you up on the roof, he said he wanted to talk to you about something important!" he exclaims, taking off toward the stairs leading to the rooftop.

You slide out of bed, wondering what Skittery might have to say to you. You get out of your nightwear and into a simple outfit, your mind and pulse racing at a mile a minute. 'What could he want to talk about? Tumbler? The newsies? The strike? What if.. what if he wants to talk about us?' you think to yourself, feeling the heat rising upon your cheeks.

You quickly shake it off, and you head up the stairs to the roof. Your eyes land on Skittery, sitting with Tumbler, who's currently asleep in the elder boy's lap. You quietly sit beside Skittery, bringing your head to rest on his shoulder. "Tumbler said you wanted to talk about something?" you say, keeping your voice quiet.

"Yes, there's something I wanted to talk to you about," he responds. "I wanted to talk about us," he starts, "and about Tumbler." You look up at him, and your palms start to sweat as your heart rate picks up. "Tumbler.. really thinks of us as his parents, and I was thinking," he starts, "what if we legally adopt him? We're old enough, we can do it." Your eyes light up at the thought, "of course!"

Skittery makes eye contact with you, but it's quickly interrupted by a small snore escaping Tumbler's body. You let out a soft chuckle, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "How are we gonna tell him?" you whisper, looking over at Skittery again. "We will once he wakes up," he responds, wrapping one arm around Tumbler's body, and the other around your waist.

About an hour later, Tumbler finally stirs awake. "Dad.. mama?" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes as he looks up at you. "We're right here, kiddo, don't worry." you reassure him. He stands up from Skittery's lap, stretching before going to hug you. "T, we want to talk to you about something," Skittery says. "What is it?" he questions, looking at you. "Well," you start, "since you consider us your parents, and since we're both 18 or over.. how do you feel about us adopting you?"

Tumbler looks at you like you've just told him that unicorns are real. "Really?!" he exclaims, plopping down into your lap. "Of course!" you say, hugging him. "Why don't you go hug your dad?" He nods vigorously, causing you to laugh. He gets up a moment later, going to hug Skittery next. Skittery chuckles, ruffling Tumbler's hair. "Hey, T, can you go downstairs for a moment? I need to talk to your mom," he says. Tumbler nods, and he heads downstairs.

You look at Skittery, questionably tilting your head. "As I said earlier.. I wanna talk to you about us," he mumbles. Once again, your heart rate starts to pick up. "What about us?" you whisper, turning your gaze downward. He rests his hand on your cheek, causing you to look up at him. "Y/N, my beautiful girl... I've grown tired of being your best friend. Watching you from afar, even from up close, I've only grown to love you."

Before you can speak, he continues on, "It's not just love. I adore you, Y/N/N. I long for you, and not in an 'I want to fuck you senselessly' kind of way, but in the 'I want to take care of you and love you in a thousand different ways' way... though, the first one wouldn't be too bad, either," he says, causing you to laugh. "And that! God, your laugh is like hearing heaven." he starts, "Anyway.. I want to love you until our souls dance in the sky, and our bodies are nothing but bones."

"Skit, I adore you in so many different ways. I adore you the way Juliet did Romeo; the way that Medda adored her husband. You are my greatest gift, the largest blessing I've ever received. I've loved you from the first second, and that's only grown as we've taken care of Tumbler," you say. Skittery only smiles wider by each word you say, and he makes eye contact with you. "May I?" he murmurs, glancing down at your lips. "Of course."

Skittery gently pulls you onto his lap, taking your face in both of his hands. "You're beautiful," he says, then pressing his lips to yours. His mouth on yours feels like a fire burning, and a million stars seem to explode over you. After forever and no time at all, Skittery pulls away. "Your laugh sounds like heaven, and your lips feel like heaven."

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