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𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔!


𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒏3𝒔𝒔, 𝒉3𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒇4𝒊𝒍𝒖𝒓3, 𝒅3𝒂𝒕𝒉
𝒉0𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍, 𝒇𝒖𝒏3𝒓𝒂𝒍

Mush knew, from the first moment, that he was indubitably enamored with Y/N. In his mind, she was enthralling.. he didn't care for the sickness that paled her skin, and caused her eyes to lose their light; he was in love with her. So, what's he left to do when she's no longer there?


"Hi, Y/N/N, how are you feeling today?" Mush comes through the door of your medical room. You give him a small smile, but the misery etched across your face causes his eyes to fill with pain. "At this point, I'm just waiting for the day I go to the stars," you rasp. Tears start to fill his eyes as he sits on the edge of your bed, taking your hand in his. "Baby, please don't say that," he mutters, his voice breaking, "you swore you wouldn't leave."

You weakly move to the side of the bed, allowing Mush to lay beside you. You rest your head where his shoulder meets his neck, just above his collarbone. "And I'm not going to leave.. I just won't be here in a physical form," you hoarsely add. Mush wraps his arms around you, holding you close. You feel his tears land in your hair, which only causes some of your own to land onto his shirt. "I love you, Mush," you murmur, "I always will, no matter where I might end up."


A month later, on a Tuesday, Mush is back in your hospital room; as if he's not there every other day. Your health has been on a downfall for some time now, and your doctor doesn't expect you to make it through to the end of the week. At this point, your voice has completely evanesced, and your breathing has only become more labored with time.

Mush is holding your left hand tightly, while the right dangles from your shoulder, as your elbow is up to your mouth. With each cough you release, Mush closes his eyes tighter and tighter. He hates seeing you this way, he hates hearing it; he just wants the love of his life to heal. You finally catch a break from coughing, and Mush opens his eyes once more. A tear trickles down his cheek, and he allows his head to fall onto your torso.

You slowly remove your hand from his, and with a trembling finger, you tilt his chin up in your direction. He looks into your eyes, noting how everything in your gaze is telling him to embrace you. He sits up from his chair, climbing into the bed beside you. He wraps an arm around your waist, taking a handkerchief from the bedside table with his free hand, and carefully wiping some sweat from your face.

He meets your gaze, and the two of you just look at each other for a moment. You grab a piece of paper and a pen, then write down two words; "Kiss me." He looks at the paper, then back at you. "Anything for you," he whispers, pressing his lips to yours. As your lips move against one another, your tears seem to connect with his at the bottom of your faces. You abruptly pull away, turning your head to enter into another coughing fit.


It's now Friday. You're still bedridden, and you keep fading in and out of consciousness. The moment you're in, Mush's lips are somewhere on your skin or connected to yours. The second you go back out, the feeling vanishes in nothing more than a second. Suddenly, however, you're back into an abrupt awakened moment; and your breath comes to a calming point. Mush looks up at you, his eyes filling with hope. "Baby, you.. you're breathing normally again..."

A small smile appears on your face as you come to a point of peace. For just a moment, all you can see is Mush. The light of your life. The one who stood beside you, quite literally, in sickness and in health. Shakily, you reach over for yet another piece of paper and your pen. You write, "I love you always." You hand the paper to him, and he looks at it. "Oh, Y/N/N," his voice fills with hope, "I love you..." his voice breaks when he realizes your hand goes limp in his. "...too."


Monday comes. Mush is gripping the side of a coffin, the one that holds the light of his life. They dressed you in an intricate, laced dress; one the same color as the shirt he wears. Your hair is styled into an elaborate bun, tied in the ribbon that he gifted you. Around your neck, a necklace resides, and your hands rest upon it. Mush can't help but admire how peaceful you look, but his heart feels as if it's being ripped from his chest. "We'll meet again, my sweet girl," he whispers, placing one hand onto yours, and the other onto his chest.

Suddenly, he knows something is wrong. He lowers himself down onto his knee, clutching his chest tighter. His breathing becomes shallow, and you rush to his side to aide to him. He looks up at you, then around at the world; where everything has gone dark. "Y/N?" Mush whispers, not believing what he's seeing. "Yes, my darling, I'm right here," you respond. "What is this place..? I was at your funeral, when suddenly I..." he trails off.

"Your heart suddenly failed, Mush.. you released too many stress hormones at once, causing it to do so." you explain, holding him close to you. He rests his head onto your shoulder, "so.. I died of a broken heart?" he murmurs, looking up at you. "Basically speaking, yes," you reply, gently tilting his chin up. "Now we're here together, and we're free to do as we want," you add. He looks at you, leaning in to press his lips to yours.

"Let's go live in the stars. We can explore space with no fear of death; we can see the planets and walk across the moon."

𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴.Where stories live. Discover now