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Morris Delancey is known for always being with girls. He never went further than kissing-he wanted that to be with someone he wanted to commit to-yet he always had them on his arm, until suddenly; it all came to a stop when he met Y/N Lombardi, Race's younger cousin. She just came from Italy, and was in for something.

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Race has an arm around you as the two of you, along with the rest of the newsies, go to the distribution circle. Weasel and the Delanceys come up to the window, and you look up at them. "Race," you mumble, turning toward him. "Who are they?" you continue, your Italian accent still thick.

"That's Mr. Wiesel, but we call him Weasel, and his nephews, Oscar and Morris Delancey," he responds, pointing each of them out, "they're jerks." You nod in understanding, letting your gaze fall back to them. Once you and Race get up to the window, you get a better look at the three of them.

"Well, who do we have here?" Weasel asks, a genuine look of curiosity etched on his face. "This is my cousin, Y/N Lombardi. She just arrived from Italy," Race says. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Wiesel," you respond, and he smiles. "You too, kid."

"And the two of you, Oscar and Morris," you add, looking between the two brothers. Oscar gives a polite nod, while Morris looks at you. "You too," he says. You mumble something to Race, and he goes off with the other boys. You look up at Weasel, "might I come in?" you ask.

He opens the door, and you step inside to look around. You can't help but smile as you look at Morris again, whose eyes are filled with wonder as he looks at you. "Y/N, is it okay if I call you Y/N/N?" Oscar asks, giving you a smile. "But of course!" you reply. He smiles wider, and he sits down.

"Can you speak Italian by chance..?" Morris murmurs, and you look over at him. "Sure! Sono appena arrivato dall'Italia." you say, and he look at you. "I said, I just arrived from Italy," you add, smiling. His mouth hangs slightly agape, fascinated by you. "Um.. Y/N, would you like to go for a walk with me?" he asks.

You smile fondly at him, and you accept his offer. He smiles back at you, and the two of you leave the circle. You link your arm in his, causing him to look away in order to hide a smile. You walk closer to him, gently rubbing patterns into his bicep with your thumb.

The two of you make it to Central Park and sit down together. A breeze blows by, and you sit closer to Morris. He looks down at you before subtly wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Are you cold, Y/N?" he asks, his eyes filled with concern. "Very.." you whisper.

He moves his arm in order to take his jacket off, and he drapes it around your shoulders. He then puts his arm back around you, which you respond by resting your head on his shoulder. He smiles down at you, then pressing the lightest of kisses upon your head.

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Some time later, he takes you back to the lodging house. "Hey.." he whispers, "meet me at the circle at midnight." You look up at him, giving him a small nod. He wraps his arms around your torso, trapping you in a comforting embrace. You return the hug, wrapping your arms around his neck.

The two of you stand there for a while, before he reluctantly pulls away. "I'll see you tonight," he says, kissing your head before walking off. You go into the lodge, and up to the bedroom. "Y/N, you're back! How was it? Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" Race comes barreling at you with questions.

"Racer, rilassare! I'm fine. He was tender, he was caring, he gave me his blazer when I got cold, and he wants to meet up again tomorrow," you say. He lets out a long sigh, but he nods. "Okay," he responds. "I'm going to sleep, goodnight Y/N." "Night!" You also decide to lay in bed, waiting as the time passes.

Once midnight hits, you sneak out of the window, and down the fire escape. You head over to the circle, where Morris is already waiting for you. "Hi," he whispers, automatically pulling you close to him. He embraces you just as before, causing you to feel a sense of comfort.

You rest your head against his shoulder, taking a deep breath in. He allows one of his arms to rest on the small of your back, while the other runs up and down your spine, sending a shiver through your body. He gently lifts you up into his arms-mainly because he wants to keep holding you-and he walks throughout Manhattan.

You look around at all the places you haven't seen thus far. He then takes you to the Brooklyn Bridge, where he sets you down. He wraps an arm around your waist, holding you close to him in case you were to stumble over. You lean against his chest, watching the stars above you.

You glance up at him, and see his gaze fixated on you. His eyes wander across your features, seemingly dilating as they land on your lips. Your breath catches in your throat as he spins you around to him. He looks into your eyes, and his gaze is full of want. "Go for it," you whisper.

He smiles as he cups your cheeks, pressing his lips to yours. His lips are warm and inviting as they move against yours, and the kiss is slow, sweet. After what feels like forever, he pulls away. He leans down and rests his head against your shoulder, moving his hands from your face to your waist.

You bring your hands up to the nape of his neck, leaning your head against his. You enjoy the comfortable silence that's passing between you two, before he speaks up. "Y/N, would you like for me to walk you back to the lodge?" he asks, his voice soft. "I would, but I don't wanna leave you," you whisper.

He lets out a soft chuckle, "you can always see me again later on during the day. I'm not gonna go anywhere," he leans up, pressing his lips to yours again. You let out a soft hum as he does so, allowing yourself to melt against him. Once you pull away, you can't manage to bring your voice higher than a whisper, "okay."

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