𝟏𝟔. 1913 | 𝘒𝘐𝘋 𝘉𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘒

197 3 11

I'm sorry that this one is so short! I was rushing to get it out, all considering I haven't posted in forever.
my sincerest apologies <3.


Francesca 'Key' Marziano was 17 when she first fell in love with Louis 'Kid Blink' Balletti in 1899, during the strike. Now, she's 31 and Blink is 32. What is she meant to do when the love of her life contracts an illness?


"Louis, please.. you're sick, and you can't work," you whisper, holding onto your dear husband's hand. He chuckles lowly just before a cough accompanies after. His usually-dark skin has turned a sickly pale, and he's constantly in a sweat. His voice has turned to a rasp, and his laugh is no longer the orchestra that would ring through your heart - but regardless, you're still in love with him the way you were fourteen years ago.

"Cesca," he murmurs. The name sends a small pang through your heart as you look at the only man you've ever loved. He smiles at you, but tears are pooling in his eyes. You gently wipe them away, leaning down to press a kiss against his lips. Once you part, he turns to lay on his side, then opens his arms in an invitation. You don't hesitate to lay within his embrace, resting your head against the place where his shoulder meets his chest.

His fingers run lightly across the small of your back, giving you a feeling that you know you won't have once your darling husband is gone. "For fourteen years.." he starts, his voice scratchier than usual. "For fourteen years, I've been your friend, to your boyfriend, eventually becoming your husband. Fourteen years isn't long enough-" his sentence is cut off by him coughing.

"It's not long enough for us. We deserve a life where we're together longer. One where I'm not sick, and you don't have to lose sleep to make sure I'm not dead when you wake up," he rasps. Your heart breaks, knowing that one day, the arms of this man will know longer be around your body, his heartbeat won't be ringing in your ears. You only cling onto him tighter, feeling your eyes become heavy. "Go to sleep, my dear. I'll be here when you wake up.. I love you."

The next morning, when you wake up, however - Louis lied. His arms lie limp beside you, and his chest is far too still for him to breathe. Your head immediately shoots up, and your eyes fall onto his pale face. "Louis.. Louis!" is all you can get out as you cling onto his shirt. "You said.. you said you'd be here when you woke up." you choke out, bringing your head to fall against his limp chest.

That was the last thing you could remember, yourself, before everything fell black.

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